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love_lostomates August 29 2009, 16:08:21 UTC
[And he's just kind of blinking, perplexed. Rita is so strange.]



love_lostomates September 1 2009, 04:34:51 UTC
[See that? Yeah, that's a wince.]

I, uh...Well, I hope that's not why. Italy was...conquered multiple times before I got there to protect him.

But...Maybe I shouldn't have...But...

[Crisis here! He's never thought about it that way.]


Monsters...That sounds pretty dangerous.


kyudousha September 1 2009, 04:46:01 UTC
[Good going, Rita. :/]

... So long as it worked for the two of you, right? ... I mean, what do I know. I'm not a country.

Don't worry too much about the monsters. There's a barrier, right? It keeps us in, but apparently, it also keeps the monsters out. Not too bad, if you ask me.


love_lostomates September 1 2009, 04:47:58 UTC
[Yeah...Now that's going to haunt him for...well, ever. :| ]

I...guess so? I don't know...Maybe I shouldn't have tried so hard to keep him sheltered...It isn't as if I can protect him much anymore anyway...

Yeah, I guess so.


kyudousha September 1 2009, 05:09:01 UTC

I didn't mean... Arg, just... don't take it so personally, okay? I'm sure he's fine where ever he ended up, so... it's a learning experience for him, and you need to be less hung up over it. Okay? Okay.


love_lostomates September 1 2009, 05:16:03 UTC

It's just that...

[And he has no idea how to possibly explain that his colonies all left him and he's still not entirely sure why and he might still have some doubts about his parenting. So he'll just go ahead and leave it at that and work up a fake smile.]

No, you're right. It's fine. He'll be fine.


kyudousha September 1 2009, 05:19:09 UTC
[... Spain is... is breaking my heart. Just so you know.]

I know I'm right. Apologize randomly like that again, and I'll give you a reason to apologize. So... don't.


love_lostomates September 1 2009, 05:27:49 UTC
[He baffles me, honestly, that he can stay happy with everything he's been through. But he survives and smiles. ♥]

I'm sor-

[Er. Pauses and smiles and shrugs.]

Um. Okay.


kyudousha September 1 2009, 16:09:41 UTC
[He's a tough customer. <3]


... The wind's getting really bad out there, isn't it.


love_lostomates September 1 2009, 22:09:57 UTC
[Yes he is. ♥ Not that he looks it at all.]

Yeah...It is. I wonder what's going on...The weather's been really nice the entire time I've been here.


kyudousha September 2 2009, 04:30:17 UTC
['s what we love about him. <3]

I'm getting a bad feeling about this. Any abnormality in this world generally spells bad things.

You in a safe place?


love_lostomates September 2 2009, 04:33:54 UTC

Yeah...It's not looking too good.

But I'm in Austria's mansion, which seems to be pretty sturdy. I'm sure we'll be fine.

What about you, though?


kyudousha September 2 2009, 04:43:45 UTC
Me? ... If this keeps up, I'm going to move towards the city. More shelter that way. But in a mansion huh - that sounds pretty safe to me. Just, stay out of the wind until we figure out what's going on, okay?

[Because she's doubting Spain's country powers lend themselves to wind protection. :/ Stay safe, Spain!]


love_lostomates September 2 2009, 04:50:16 UTC
Ah, that's good. I hope that you can reach shelter before whatever is going to happen happens.

[He nods.]

I'll be careful, Rita, don't worry!

[D'awww. So many people worried about him, he's touched. Especially because he's been through worse.]


kyudousha September 2 2009, 04:57:35 UTC
Just focus on worrying about yourself. No offense, but you seem kinda air-headed. Stay inside, or the wind'll just blow you away, or something.

[It's Spain. Of course we're going to worry. :/ <3333]

Well, I'm off now, then...?


love_lostomates September 2 2009, 05:06:53 UTC
[Chuckles and takes no offense at all.]

I'll stay inside, don't worry.

[Awww~ ♥♥♥]

Alright~! Take care of yourself, Rita, okay?


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