Title: Grow A Pair Pairing: Kaisoo (hinted!Hunhan) Rating: PG-13 Summary: Jongin and Lu Han works at a flower shop, and they stalk their customers. A/N: for ddankkoma, just wanted to try a different style of writing
FHSJDKGAJAHAHAKABAK *jongin can do the live version of that lol* THIS IS SO CUTEEEE AAAA Kyungsoo with glasses omfg adorbs i agree with jongin *A* and the ending lol loved it! thanks for writing <3
Hi, I commented on a SJ (SJM?) fic you wrote a couple years ago and my comment was marked as spam for some reason. I sent you a PM about it, but I don't keep up with my inbox myself so I don't know if you'll see it. Please look into it, you don't seem to be a b.a.p fan so I think the chances of your repurposing an older fic to make it into a b.a.p fic is unlikely.
EDIT: Actually, both the 1st and 4th, for you.
(I think I know what phrase triggered the spam filter this time....)
what KYU?ext_1038116February 28 2013, 10:30:06 UTC
i'm sorry but this is so funny! HAHA but hngh whats with the ending of HunHan D; i thought it would be fully fluffy and decent.. but.. uhu. I still like it anyway
omg that's cute! both are stalkers (stalking each others) finally jongin grows a pair to spill his feeling out to kyungsoo and vice versa. gah cant stop giggling while read this and hunhan scene at the end omg you have to do the same kaisoo!!!
Comments 19
Kyungsoo with glasses omfg adorbs i agree with jongin *A*
and the ending lol loved it!
thanks for writing <3
EDIT: Actually, both the 1st and 4th, for you.
(I think I know what phrase triggered the spam filter this time....)
omg thank you for telling me this, i really didn't know about it
i'll go check it out
Can I translate it into Vietnamese?
I promise to send you the link when I finish <3
sure, of course~ just remember to credit then send the link to me :)
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