To fall in Love... or not to fall in Love... (6/6) (Sequel to 'Just another One-Night-Stand (?)')

Jun 24, 2011 09:50

Author: kyumin86eunhae Genre: Romance, Crack, Smut
Pairings: Kyumin (in other chapters: Mentions of: Hyukhae, Hanchul and Sungmin/everyone)
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: more or less explicite sexual content, boyxbox, slut!min, this one is way too cracky for it's own good -.-
Summary: One-Night-Stands are meant to be One-Night-Stands. The point is that you are never going to see each other again, got it?


"Don't leave. We are friends, right? You can't just flee when I fall asleep.", Kyuhyun said and Sungmin still didn't move in his position. It was so weird to hear the desperation in Kyuhyun's voice who had always been cold and snarky. And now he was weak. Sungmin didn't know if he liked it.

"Okay...", was everything he could say. Kyuhyun would never fall asleep if he had said no.

After five minutes, he felt Kyuhyun's breath on his neck getting even. Finally. Sungmin decided to wait five more minutes before he would leave. He moved his leg that had become numb and his heart almost stopped when Kyuhyun suddenly spoke up again.

"You are going to leave when I'm asleep. I know it.", Kyuhyun whispered and it sounded so vulnerable that Sungmin was really wondering if that was really the person who had bited his tongue whole they were kissing half an hour ago.

"Uhm. Yes.", Sungmin said. It was the truth. He wasn't capable to lie about that.

"I knew it.", Kyuhyun said and Sungmin could feel his shoulder getting wet. Shit. That was not the Kyuhyun he knew.

"Kyuhyun, what the heck is wrong with you? You sound like a little child who is going to lose it's lollipop and you even cry like a baby! What happened to you?", he asked. Sungmin was really shocked about Kyuhyun's behaviour.

Kyuhyun just sighed and pulled Sungmin closer.

"You. You happened to me."

"Kyuhyun, you know that I have to -"

"It's okay. Just go. I won't hold you back.", Kyuhyn suddenly said and released Sungmin from his embrace.

Sungmin hesitated. Kyuhyun was so weird. But he didn't want to stay. That situation was just uncomfortable for him. How would he have known that Kyuhyun would eventually fall in love with him?

"Kay. Bye. See you some time around then.", Sungmin said before getting out of Kyuhyun's bed and grabbing his clothes. He didn't know what to say else, but it still sounded so wrong in his ears. Kyuhyun didn't reply and Sungmin just left.


"Sungmin, could you please stop calling me? It's like, the 100th time that day already and the third time that you interrupted me and Donghae having sex!", Eunhyuk whined into his phone. Another moan escaped his lips and he clasped his hand on his mouth.

"Donghae!", he hissed but Donghae just grinned and continued licking the underside of his hard cock.

"But but... Hyukkie! I don't have anyone else to talk to and and... Kyuhyun...", he whispered at the end. Eunhyuk felt his lips curving into a knowing smile.

"Get yourself some distraction, Min. You are usually the one who can find a certain kind of distraction the best. It's been two weeks already and don't tell me that you didn't ... Distract yourself since then. You are Lee Sungmin."

"I know who I am. And in references to your question: yes, there was no 'distraction' for me the last two weeks."

There was silence on the other end or the line.

"Are you fucking kidding me? Don't tell me that you didn't...", Eunhyuk let out a strangled scream.

"Didn't fuck. Yeah. Two consecutive weeks. And you, dear Lee Hyukjae, aren't helping me at all with your 'oh my god, Hae is give me so much pleasure with his tongue or his hand or whatever'- moans. So I think that I should stop that call if all you can do is tempting me in that way. Bye."

"But-" you called me, Eunhyuk thought and pressed the red button on his phone.

"Are you done?", Donghae said while licking Eunhyuk's precum from his lips and the later just groaned and pinned Donghae down on his bed.

"Just Sungmin. Nothing of importance."

"Because of Kyuhyun again? Shouldn't we be helping him?"

"When it's about time. Now let's fuck."




"Dad? Since when are you calling me?"

"Since I want my son to have a fulfilled life."

"Means?", Kyuhyun said into the phone and raised an eye brow. What was wrong with his dad? Did he know that he had been depressed since Sungmin had left him that night?

"Do you want to marry Seohyun?"

"Urgh. Are you kidding me? Never."

"Then go and search that Sungmin guy."

Shit. Kyuhyun had totally forgotten that his father had people spying on him.

"What? I don't get it."

"I made a bet with Seohyun's father, Mr. Seo. You know we are some kind of friends. And when I saw that you and Sungmin were quite happy with each other,-"

"What. You did what?", Kyuhyun asked in shock. He was actually not sure if he really wanted to know it.

"I kinda... told Zhou Mi to observe you. He had some cameras in your apartment and some at the common places where you usually... How do you say it... Fuck."

"You. Did. What.", Kyuhyun gasped and his mouth went dry. That was even worse than he had ever thought of.

"Yeah, Mr. Seo needed proof about what you do."

"You did NOT watch my whole sex life."

"Oh yes, I did. Don't worry, we didn't show it anyone. By the way, I really think that you and Sungmin are compatible! The way you both-"

"It's okay. I don't want to hear it from you.", Kyuhyun sighed and scratched his back head. What did he do to deserve such a father? Suddenly, he heard a low moan in the background.

"Dad. Don't tell me that you are watching some porn with your son as the main actor right now."

"I am! You two are really good! It's you and Sungmin, by the way."

"I figured out." That moan was too familiar for him to ever forget it. "And Mr. Seo is watching with you?"

"Yes. However, get your ass to Sungmin, I have bet that you would end up with him. If you don't get him now, Seohyun is always ready!"

"I still can't believe that 1. You chose me as the wager of your stupid game out of stupid boredom and 2. You filmed me having sex with all possible and impossible kind of people and even watch it without feeling any shame and 3. YOU HIRED ZHOU MI FOR THAT PERVERTED GAME OF YOURS!!!", Kyuhyun yelled into the phone, his head close to exploding.

"I'm your father.", Mr. Cho said as if it would explain everything. "And now go and find that boy or else you have to marry Seohyun. Hush!"

Kyuhyun sighed a last time. The whole story was too ridiculous. His father really had to find a new hobbie.

"Oh and by the way, if you want those little sex tapes of Sungmin and you, Seohyun keeps them all in her bag."

Kyuhyun banged his head on his desk. This day was getting better and better. The humiliation didn't even WANT to end.

"Kay. Thanks, dad.", he groaned in irritation.

"No problem, son! I have to hang up now, the best part comes!" And Kyuhyun could hear Sungmin coming the moment that his father hang up.

His life now officially sucked.

The door to his office opened and Zhou Mi entered the room.

"Even though I still can't believe that you cried because of him, you go and find him. Like, now.", he said and walked up to Kyuhyun's desk, without forgetting his wonderful swag of course, an threw a piece of paper in front of his best friend.

"You are officially allowed to thank me and to kiss my feet now because I managed to find out where our little Sungminnie lives."

Kyuhyun groaned and glared at him.

"You filmed me and Sungmin."

"Yup. Hey! Don't look at me like that! It was for your own good! Do you want to marry Seohyun?"

Kyuhyun ignored him and looked on the address in front of him.

"This is close to where-"

"Sungmin and you were fucking that night before you caught your cold? I know. In that park. Really hot, by the way."

Kyuhyun stared at him.

"You didn't."

"I did! It's my part time job to observe you whereever you go. You know that I need money for that absolute gorgeous Louis Vuitton Bag Case."

"Okay. It's okay. I mean, who wouldn't love it to be filmed in his most intimate moments?, Kyuhyun said in defeat. He had nothing to say anymore.

"You see? You finally understand it! Now go to him. Hurry up man! What if he's with that school friend now?" And Zhou Mi obviously didn't understand sarcasm. Or he just didn't want to understand it.

"I have to work."

"I know that you are just being a coward! It's not the time for that! Every second counts!" Zhou Mi walked up to Kyuhyun's desk and kicked his butt with his own, long and lanky legs.

Kyuhyn just glared at him again. Somehow, he hated all the people he actually used to like today. But nevertheless, he stood up and left the office, not without grabbing the paper sheet of course. Maybe he had left a bit too quickly, but he had to admit that he was really eager to see Sungmin again.

Though he was unsure. What if Sungmin would tell him to go? What if he said that he never wanted to see Kyuhyun again? Ouch. Quite humiliating.

"Hey, I know that you really want to see him, but take those keys. Just in case."

"What keys are this?", Kyuhyun asked his friend suspiciously. Zhou Mi grinned.

"Guess." Kyuhyun looked at the keys. Then at Zhou Mi. Then at the keys again.


Zhou Mi grinned and rubbed his index finger on his thumb, symbolising the term for money.

"Just as always. You and my dad's money."

"Yup. We just want you to be happy!"

Kyuhyun groaned again and left his office. Just away from all those crazy people.
When he stood on the street, he was lucky and a cab passed right in that moment. He went in and showed the address to he cab driver.


Sungmin was bored. Again. He was sitting on his bed and his mind kept circling around Kangin, his old high school friend and, of course, Kyuhyun. He had to admit that he liked them both, Kangin because of his awesome sense of humour which was actually the reason for Sungmin to fall in love with him in his high school time. It had never been boring when he was around and Kangin had also been a great friend who always had cared a lot about him.

"Oh, fuck my life. What did I do to deserve this?"

His phone rang. Sungmin picked up. He didn't know the number.


"Lee Sungmin?"

"Who is speaking?"

"Just... Someone."

"Uh-huh." Sungmin said while rolling his eyes.

"It actually doesn't matter. Listen carefully. Kyuhyun is coming in a few minutes and you have to get together with him."

"And why would I do such a ridiculous thing?", Sungmin asked and raised an eye brow.

"He has to marry a annoying and stupid slut if you don't." Sungmin could hear someone protesting in the background. "What did you call Seohyun?", a quiet voice complained. He rolled his eyes again.

"Are you his father? He told me about you. Just let him live his life, I sometimes feel sorry for him."

"Ya! You feel sorry for him but it's okay to break his heart?"

"It's not funny for me but it's not that I would sacrifice my own good and liberty for him. You can't force me to do anything.", Sungmin said and hung up.

Haha. Poor Kyuhyun. He has to marry Seohyun because of some reason Sungmin didn't really understand but that wasn't important. Kyuhyun had told him a lot about Seohyun. Sungmin had never met her but only the stories about her made him cracking up about her and he didn't exactly like her, only from Kyuhyun's stories. Even though it was mean, both of them laughed a lot about her. It was just too funny.

Speaking of Kyuhyun... Sungmin had to admit that he somehow missed him. Especially his long, thick cock in his ass. Okay, maybe his simple presence too.
It was not that Sungmin hadn't noticed how Kyuhyunhad slowly developed certain feeling for him. Everytime he had slept in Kyuhyun's bed for the night and when Kyuhyun had thought that he was asleep, he had felt it, even in his half-sleep state.

The loving hugs from behind, the gentle strokes over his stark naked body, the sweet kisses on his cheeks and eye-lids which didn't mean to lead to another fuck-up. Which was already weird enough. But Sungmin had kept ignoring it, telling himself that Kyuhyun was just too overwhelmed by their hot sex or that it was just a weird dream he had.

But he was just not born to be in a relationship. He was Lee Sungmin, born to fuck and being fucked. Not to be loved. Or to love. Going on dates, cooking together, eating together, watching movies, fall asleep and wake up together, that was just not his thing.

But he missed Kyuhyun. Those two weeks haven't been funny. It wsn't a lie he told Eunhyuk, he really didn't have any sex in those two weeks. It was practically eating him up from the inside. But the thought of having sex with anyone else but Kyuhyun had made him shivering the whole time. It seemed too ridiculous after such a long time of feeling Kyuhyun on top of him, beneath him, inside him that-

Shit. Sungmin looked on his crotch area. Haha, how funny, his body already reacted when he just thought about Kyuhyun fucking him up. His cock was already completely hard and Sungmin began to get nervous.

What now? He couldn't just masturbate. Didn't even know how to. The last time he did that... Junior high school, 12 years ago. But couldn't be that difficult, right? Sungmin had been giving hand jobs to all possible kind of guys and all of them were just sluts for the way he did it, so he actually had to be a pro in jerking off. But... the thought was freaking him out. What was Kyuhyun that Lee Sungmin had to jerk off while thinking of him?

Oh just screw your fucking pride and do it, Min. Nobody is going to give a damn fuck about it because nobody is going to see it.

Sungmin bit his lower lip and slowly brought his hands down to his zipper. He sighed quietly when his hand touched his clothed erection. He unbuttoned his pants and his erection sprang free. Sungmin himself knew that he was the owner of an quite impressive penis. He could easily top anyone but he just over it to have the feeling of being filled up. He moaned when he poked his own slit and feeling the precum already peeking from his cock head. Kyuhyun was sure something, Sungmin chuckled to himself.

He slowly ran his hand up and down on his member and felt his mind getting blurry. Damn, it felt so good. Not that he hadn't received any handjob for twelve years, he practically got one everytime he had sex. But it was just somehow complete else to feel his own hands on his member and to give himself that satisfaction he usually only got through getting fucked.

It was a different feeling and Sungmin definitely enjoyed it. He embraced his cock with his hand and tightened his grip slowly. It was so good, Sungmin gasped and threw his head back, his pants became erratic and his hand on his member got faster, running up and down from his base to his tip, and oh, it just felt so wonderful.

His moans were getting shorter and higher and he felt so desperated, he wanted to come which made his hand grip even tighter and the movements even faster and finally, finally, he came. Cum spurted out of his cock and he moaned out Kyuhyun's name, the person he had been thinking out the whole time he was masturbating. Sungmin decided that jerking off felt amazing when he collapsed on his chair. His whole body was trembling and he barely could hold his position.

It had been definitely worth it.


Kyuhyun was standing in front of that door and rang the door bell. It had been 5 minutes already and nobody was opening. He felt the heavy steel keys in his hand which was in his pocket and was thinking about whether he should use them or not. He wanted to see Sungmin. But no one was opening the door, so maybe he wasn't even at home. Or he didn't want to meet anyone. Kyuhyun had never been in Sungmin's apartment... even though Sungmin was not home, he could take a quick glance on his home, right?

Kyuhyun inhaled deeply and tried one of the keys on the door. It didn't go in. Another one? Yes, this time, he could open it. Next question was: Which floor was Sungmin living? Kyuhyun was really left clueless until he saw the elevators. Maybe they could help him? And yes, when he entered one of them, there were name tags next to all the buttons. Kyuhyun sighed. He was so lucky that he almost believed that he and Sungmin were fated.

But his mood immediately dropped when he remembered Sungmin's last name. 'Lee'. Oh, how lucky am I that Sungmin has such a rare last name?, Kyuhyun thought sarcastically. Why didn't he have such a great rare name as... Suh. Or Shim. But no, it had to be 'Lee'. Every second korean had the last name 'Lee'. What now?

Kyuhyun took out his phone and called Zhou Mi, the only thing he could think of in that moment.

"Hello? Mimi? Which floor?"

"Kui Xian! You are doing it!", Zhou Mi cheered on the phone and Kyuhyun felt like slapping him through the line for his gloating.

"Just shut up and tell me the number of his floor." Zhou Mi giggled.

"Floor 13, apartment number 7. Good luck, Kui Xian!"

Kyuhyun didn't reply but just hung up. Floor 13, the unlucky number, he thought. When he was standing in front of the door, he inhaled another time. The name tag on the door was 'Lee'. He wanted to knock when he remembered that Sungmin wasn't home. So he took the keys and tried until the door opened. When he entered the apartment, he could perceive Sungmin's scent which made him quite happy. To smell Sungmin after more than two weeks.

His heart almost stopped when he heard something. Or rather someone. There was someone in the apartment and that person was... panting. with occasional moans. Kyuhyun heard that it was Sungmin.

Oh god, that might be the reason that he didn't open the door. He was busy and I actually already know what it is., Kyuhyun thought and bit his lower lip. Sungmin was fucking around again, of course he wouldn't open the door. But nevertheless, Kyuhyun wanted to see him, no matter if another man was having his cock inside of Sungmin's lovely hole in that moment. Kyuhyun wondered if it was going to turn him on.

He followed the moans and ignored the slight twitching of his heart. Kyuhyun arrived at the bedroom right when Sungmin came. Yes, because Sungmin moans a bit different when he comes. But what was making his heart skip a beat was... what Sungmin was moaning.

His name. Kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun felt how his blood didn't know where to rush in, whether in his head or in his crotch. In the end, he was blushing and had a half hard cock while his hands were cold. Sungmin had been moaning his name when he came. Well, it seemed like there was no on fucking Sungmin but more like Sungmin masturbating. Kyuhuyn felt a smirk creeping on his face when he slowly opened the door to the bedroom.

"I thought that you would never jerk off.", was the first thing falling out of his mouth and Kyuhyun wondered if he should slap himself for such a stupid statement.

"Oh my god!", Sungmin jerked and immediately turned around. He clasped his hand on his mouth, not caring about the fact that they were dripping from his own cum and not caring that his limp cock was still hanging out of his zipper.


Kyuhyun felt his heart twitching as his nickname came from those luscious lips and he walked up to Sungmin, trapping him against the wall while the latter was still laying on his bed. Which smelled so Sungmin, by the way.

"What's with me?"

"Wha-what are you doing here?"

"Watching you jerking off. I love it by the way. Especially the end."

Sungmin blushed madly and distracted himself from those sinful smirk by putting his member back into his pants and closing the zipper. Kyuhyun grinned and rolled his eyes.

"Oh, come on. It's not that I've never seen your little buddy there."

"It didn't mean anything.", Sungmin murmured and Kyuhyun just found that fading blush on his marvellous cheeks adorable.

"Of course not. But it won't change my feelings.", he replied. His tone had changed and he was now serious.

"There is a difference between love and sexual desire."

"Sexual desire is not what I want from you. Even though it's not bad, I have to admit."

Kyuhyun crawled on top of Sungmin now who did his best not to touch Kyuhyun or just not to look into those eyes.

"Kyuhyun... I'm being serious. You can't love me.", he whispered.

"And how I can.", Kyuhyun answered and bent down to kiss Sungmin. It was sweet and loving at first, Kyuhyun felt how much he enjoyed that simple, innocent kiss when Sungmin suddenly parted his lips. Kyuhyun pulled away immediately.


"Shorry.", Sungmin mumbled, blushing hard. "I just cannot..."

"...see anything else than a sex object when you look at me? Thank you." Kyuhyun sat up again and buried his face in his hands.

"Kyuhyun...", Sungmin said in guilt and lifted his hand a bit, only to drop it in the next moment. He didn't know what to say anyway. It was silence for a minute.



"Why are you crying again?"

"I hate you."

Sungmin smiled weakly and leaned his head back until it hitted the wall.

"What am I supposed to do? Kyu... I don't know if I like it when you are crying everytime you confess to me. It's not the usual you..."

"It's your fucking fault, goddammit. You make me crying like a little child, man. Fuck you. I don't want it and I have no clue how you did that but you changed me."

"Does it cheer you up when I tell you that I didn't have sex for the last two weeks because I kept thinking about you? You even made me jerking off. I get hard when I think about you. You are sure something, Cho Kyuhyun."

"You know that this is not what I want to hear from you."

"I know. But that's all I can give you right now."

Kyuhyun didn't even look at him but somewhere in the corner.

"You have sexual desires for me.", he finally stated.

"Genius, Kyu. Yes." Sungmin scratched his back head. "I wish I could call it love, Kyu."

Kyuhyun let out a scoffed laugh. "You wish."

"Hmm. Yes, it would make you happy, right? I like you. I want you to be happy."

"Then love me back."

"Are you serious? You tell me to love you and-" He clapped his hands "-bang, we are happily in love?"

"Yes.", Kyuhyun pouted.

"You are cute, Kyu."

"I don't want to marry Seohyun."

Sungmin stared at him. "That was not a joke?"

"My dad might be funny, but no."

"Oh." Sungmin looked at him and bit his lower lip. Poor Kyuhyun. His whole life got messed up because of him.

"You can't do this to me, Sungmin. When I marry her, she is going to molest me the whole day and-"

"Wait, when you are married, you have to have sex with... her.", Sungmin suddenly said and sat up straight.

"Brilliantly combined, Sungmin. Brilliant.", Kyuhyun said sarcastically.

The next second, Sungmin had already pinned him on the bed. Kyuhyun felt fierce lips on his own, drowning a bit blood from his lips. Sungmin pulled away and Kyuhyun was almost scared when he saw the dark... something in Sungmin's eyes. He didn't know how to define that darkness.

"You. Can't. Have. Sex. With. Anyone. Else. But. Me.", Sungmin riled through gritted teeth and Kyuhyun almost laughed out loud.


"Are you deaf? I don't want anyone else to touch you, got it?"

Kyuhyun blinked. Was that really Sungmin who was threatening him?

"Possessive much, huh?", he stated with a frown.

"Call it possessiveness, call it childish, whatever you want, but just get into that silly head of yours that no one is allowed to touch you. Your cock is mine."

Kyuhyun smiled. "Can I call it love?"

It was silence. Sungmin slowly realised what Kyuhyun had been saying and Kyuhyun wanted to squish him when the cute blush appeared again.

"No.", Sungmin pouted.

"Can we be together anyway?"

"Only to get Seohyun away." Sungmin didn't even think of stopping his pout.

Kyuhyun smiled and wrapped his arms around his love. He felt Sungmin relaxing in his embrace. It made him so happy.

Maybe Sungmin just needed some time.

Or a hit on his cute little head.

Naaaaaah. I would never hit him. My cute and sexy little Sungmin.

"My cock is all yours.", Kyuhyun grinned and Sungmin grinned back.

"Has always been."

"Uuuh. It sounds so wrong. Don't they usually say it, like, 'My love is all yours'?"

"But I want your cock. Not your love."

Okay, maybe a bit of your love as well. But only a tiny bit. A really really tiny bit.


Seriuosly? If you think that this ending is acceptable, don't click on the fucking link. It's a FAIL epologue and it would destroy the whole meaning of this final chapter (if this whole fanfiction even has a meaning.) I just wrote that epilogue because I don't like open endings (which are more than just neccessary sometimes, like in this case!) And the epilogue explains some questions you might have (at least I had them LOL) However, I would recommend you NOT, I stress it, NOT to read the epilogue. It's only for those idiots who can't live with an open ending, just like me xD


A/N: Wow. It's done xD But I don't like the ending... but couldn't avoid it xD The genre changed from crack to angst and over smut to crack and angst again... WTF  i am weird xD 

pairing: kyumin, rating: nc-17, genre: romance, genre: smut, fanfic: sequel, pairing: haehyuk

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