Super Chat
This is a Super Junior fanfic... okay, very particular description... xD but we dunno what to write ;)
Warning: boyxboy
Characters: super junior, implied! dbsk
Couples: Main!Kyumin, Main!Eunhae, Slight:Yewook, Sihanchul, Kangteuk, Kimin
Rated: pg-15, crack, slight!smut, fail!story
Summary: Yeaahhh... my/our first entry xD It's fail but we're just bored :O one more week xD english is my/our.... 3rd language? so forgive us if there r some very very bad language mistakes xD the fanfic is about a chatroom with all super junior members :D and eunhae and kyumin DO have lot of appearance ;)
Sungmin: pinkyPumpkin_bunny
Kyuhyun: starcraftlord23
Eunhyuk: bouncyMonkey44
Donghae: fishyprince1015
Leeteuk: Angel_teuk
Kangin: handsomeboy#1
Han Geng: Beijingfriedrice
Heechul: Lady_Hee_Hee
Siwon: ilovegod729056
Shindong: wheresmyfood45682
Kibum: drama_king
Yesung: Ddangkkomalove
Ryeowook: Wookie55smooch^^
Angel_teuk is online
handsomeboy#1 is online
Lady_Hee_Hee is online
Angel_teuk: Does anyone know who makes those...scary? strange? noises?
handsomeboy#1: guess who.
Angel_teuk: *pouting* dunno... who?
Lady_Hee_Hee: it's me.
Lady_Hee_Hee: k just kidding xD it's either eunhae or kyumin
Angel_teuk: but WHAT r they doing????
handsomeboy#1: teukiiiiieee... think about what WE do at night *giggle*
Angel_teuk: ...
Lady_Hee_Hee: stop talking bout that.... i'm getting kinda horny...
Angel_teuk: ...
handsomeboy#1: chullie we didn't want to know that!!!
Lady_Hee_Hee: who cares... need hannie or siwon...NOW!!!
Lady_Hee_Hee is offline
Angel_teuk: but it's just noon!!!
handsomeboy#1: that's all you have to say?
drama_king is online
pinkyPumpkin_bunny is online
wheresmyfood45682 is online
wookie55smooch^^ is online
wheresmyfood45682: yooo whats going on with chullie? siwon is at church and hannie is running away from chullie...
pinkyPumpkin_bunny: *whining* poor hannie... they just did it half an hour ago and chullie is already horny again?
drama_king: i miss my minnie...T_T where is my darling???
starcraftlord23 is online
starcraftlord23: WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM MY MINNIE??? i will chase after you if you get too cloose to him...*grrr* !§%/&%$§)/%""@"§6%§ (cursing on korean)
drama_king: what have i done? *sob*
wheresmyfood45682: oouuhh... don't cry bummie!
wookie55smooch^^: i think kyunnie and bummie r getting something wrong ;)
starcraftlord23: minnie r u cheating on me becuz of this kamasutra stuff? i'm so sorry darling but i can't understand this crap :(
pinkyPumpkin_bunny: kyuuuu you don't trust me? and no i'm not angry :P
starcraftlord23: but you r hiding from me
pinkyPumpkin_bunny: oh... i'm just afraid of you. after fail this position you tried to do something...Aish!!! who cares. i'm afraid of horny dogs like you.
pinkyPumpkin_bunny is offline
wookie55smooch^^: poor kyunnie... :( but it's your own fault :P
starcraftlord23:*getting mad* what do YOU know bout my sexlife??? and kibum, you're still in extamination *death glare*
drama_king: i could ask you the same!!! what's going on between you and my changminnie?
starcraftlord23: changmin?
drama_king: yeahhh changmin! my minnie!
starcraftlord23: whos changmin.
drama_king: tvxq dbsk tohoshinki changmin
starcraftlord23: oh. im sry. i thought you mean my bunny sungminnie ...*bow for apologize*
drama_king: i will forgive you... have to go now :D visit minnie ^^
drama_king is offline
wookie55smooch^^: whatever... but why is he writing something like that in a SUPER JUNIOR chatroom?
bouncyMonkey44 is online
fishyprince1015 is online
bouncyMonkey44: heyyy i found this book on the floor... whos the owner?
fishyprince1015: hyukkiee.... this book is so interesting... why do you want to give it back?
bouncyMonkey44: hae... why do you write this? im just like... a half meter away
fishyprince1015: its more fun :D
wheresmyfood45682: whats the title of the book?
wookie55smooch^^: yeah wanna know too...
Angel_teuk: sorry i was busy with giving a ... shit forget it
handsomeboy#1:... blow job xD
Angel_teuk: whatever... whaaat? NO!!! IT'S JUST NOON!!! liar!
handsomeboy#1: k just kidding *lol*
Angel_teuk: i hate you *pouting*
handsomeboy#1: whyyyy!!!!! NOOOO!!!!
Angel_teuk: just kidding :P
handsomeboy#1: i'm gonna punish you for this...*smirk*
Angel_teuk: why do you keep looking at me like this?
handsomeboy#1: guess.... i'll give you a hint.... you won't be able to walk after this....
Angel_teuk: *runs away* it's just noon!!!!
handsomeboy#1 is offline
Angel_teuk is offline
bouncyMonkey44: well... anyway xD
fishyprince1015: yeah anyway... we won't give back the book
wheresmyfood45682: whats the damn title?
wookie55smooch^^: where exactly did ya find it?
bouncyMonkey44: in front of kyumins room
fishyprince1015: we won't give it back
bouncyMonkey44: hae... just shut up...
fishyprince1015: you want to get rid of THIS book?
wheresmyfood45682: ehm. i think im kinda wrong here... bye
wheresmyfood45682 is offline
wookie55smooch^^: let me guess... the title is something like kamasutra?
fishyprince1015: wookie.... ARE YOU AN ALIEN??? how did you find out...T_T
bouncyMonkey44: yeahhh the title is kamasutra... i just want to know whos the owner ... i wanted to ask him if we could borrow this book...
fishyprince1015:... oh... you r brilliant hyukkie :D but we still don't know if wookie is an alien or not.... haha he's like junsu... you know, he is an alien too (in my opinion)
bouncyMonkey44: don't ask me
starcraftlord23: yay! everythings so interesting, but WHERE´S MY MINNIE????
wookie55smooch: ehm.... he's hiding from you ... try to be more romantic :D
starcraftlord23: i am the most romantic, most caring and nicest person ever!
bouncyMonkey44: and you're praising yourself
fishyprince1015: yup. i understand why minnie is hiding from you. @wookie: r u an alien or not?
starcraftlord23: "§&=//%"=%(§/&"(@§%(/%$ lee donghae... i'm gonna kill you... just wait.. I'm on my way....
starcraftlord23 is offline
Ddangkkomalove is online
wookie55smooch: i am not. or yes? who knows.
fishyprince1015: i'm afraid... evil maknae is mad :O
bouncyMonkey44: awww... i gonna protect you!
Ddangkkomalove: wookie, what are you (or not?)
wookie55smooch^^: doesn't matter...
Ddangkkomalove: kay^^
wookie55smooch^^: have to go now
Ddangkkomalove: is it because of me? why? what did i do wrong? i spent only 2 hours with Ddangkkoma today!
wookie55smooch^^: *annoyed* nooo it's not because of you. you didn't do anything wrong. you're perfect and handsome and smart and nice and so on
bouncyMonkey44: ???
wookie55smooch^^: he has been like that since last month when he was told by a fan that he might love his turtle more than the other suju members
fishyprince1015: hyukkie if i act like that, will you tell me that i'm perfect and handsome and smart and nice too??? *pouting*
wookie55smooch^^: well.... i'm off for cooking ;)
Ddangkkomalove: wookie wait for me i want to try your cooking!
wookie55smooch^^ is offline
Ddangkkomalove is offline
bouncyMonkey44: what the? no! hae r u crazy?
fishyprince1015: no? T_T
bouncyMonkey44: i mean, yes i would but why would you do that?
fishyprince1015: aaaaahhhh!!!!! Help!
bouncyMonkey44: Kyunniiiiiieeeee.... go away!!!
fishyprince1015: stop talking nonsense, help me!
bouncyMonkey44: I'm on my way! wait for me!
fishyprince1015: damn it fuck monkey! you just need to go a meter... or less
starcraftlord23 is online
starcraftlord23: *grabs donghaes neck and tries to kill him*
fishyprince1015: hyukkie.... i thought you would protect me *whining* *sobs* *crying* *dying*
starcraftlord23: does anyone knows where sungmin is?
pinkyPumpkin_bunny is online
pinkyPumpkin_bunny: is kyu here? if yes, bye....
starcraftlord23: don't you dare to run away! i'm gonna kill donghae if you keep hiding...
pinkyPumpkin_bunny: my ability to walk is more important than donghae....
starcraftlord23: what??? you hurt me, min! you just act like if i'd be a sadist *pouting*
pinkyPumpkin_bunny: so you're not????
fishyprince1015: he is.
fishyprince1015: ouch!!! damn it cho kyuhyun!
bouncyMonkey44: he's too strong... i can't save you *whines*
pinkyPumpkin_bunny: kyu..... promise.
starcraftlord23: what?
pinkyPumpkin_bunny: that I WILL TOP. five times!
starcraftlord23: slut! i'm trying to be romantic and all YOU can think about is....
pinkyPumpkin_bunny: don't act all this innocent! you're just trying to change the subject :P
starcraftlord23: well.... alright. BUT WHERE ARE YOU!!!
pinkyPumpkin_bunny: in your closet.
pinkyPumpkin_bunny: yeahh... just like 2 meters behind you, before you were running to eunhaes room, genius *rofl*
fishyprince1015: *relieved* now get out of our room!
bouncyMonkey44: fuck off and die... you hurt my hae-darling!
fishyprince1015: do you want this book back? because me and hyukkie, we want to try some of those... positions *blush*
pinkyPumpkin_bunny: what book?
starcraftlord23: yeah it's a present xD
fishyprince1015: thx :D i will forgive you the murderattack ;)
starcraftlord23: and sungmin, don't try to run away... anyway, you won't be able to run in half an hour
pinkyPumpkin_bunny: *evil smile* did you alrady forgot? I (!) Top!
starcraftlord23: shit. bye bye walking ability... T_T
bouncyMonkey44: whatever... have to go ;) right, hae?
fishyprince1015: oh yeah, right xD this book makes me... curious xD
pinkyPumpkin_bunny is offline
starcraftlord23 is offline
bouncyMonkey44 is offline
fishyprince1015 is offline
ilovegod729056 is online
Beijingfriedrice is online
ilovegod729056: does ANYONE know why hannie is running away from chullie?
ilovegod729056: what? i don't - AAAAAAAAHHH!!!
Beijingfriedrice: too late.
A/N: I wrote this story with my best friend.... it's our first fanfic and it's fail.... but at least we had fun writing this ;)