Title: Not so Innocent
Pairing: Yekyu or Kyusung
Rating: PG- 15
Summary: In super junior dorm there are many rules and facts, and one of those fact was never to mess with Yesung
In super junior
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Comments 25
I know that you read this before but... Please write a SEQUEL!!!
I love this fanfic *0*
It´s just that Kyu were so mean with Yesung... only for a bet T_T poor Yesungie T_T
He need a revenge XD jajaja He deserve one!!!
kiss you and congrats
thanks for liking it and for the add <3
well a lot of people wanted a sequel to this but I never thought of it :(
But you know what I might try, I said might so don't rise your hope okay :) so I'll see what I can do, and thanks again dear <3
I´m so happy you add me, of course if you don´t think a sequel it´s ok
please I hope you write more of this pairing
ahhh I have one question or petition
I will like translate your fanfic in spanish for kyusung fans that don´t read in english, if you don´t mind of course
I really apreciate that you allow me to do this please!!!!
kiss and I wait your answer
Well I'm still thinking of writing a sequel, I have a few idea's but I still don't know >_<
and I was happy to add you back I like making friends and I never had a Spanish friend before :) and about translating my fic I really don't mind you can do that ^^
Hugs and kisses <3
thank you for your permission to translate
I´m happy to be your friend too ^^
and if you need some ideas I like to help you
Hugs and kisses for you too ^^
good job on turning it into just kyusung...
love it much...^^
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