
Aug 17, 2006 22:17

OMG!!!!!...i actually changed my journal layout a little...like WHOA!!!!!

so yeah...right now FLCL is like the awesome at least i want it to be...i need to watch it sooo bad...but yeah i totally used a wallpaper i found at AnimeWallpapers.com... anyway...i changed that...and for those of you who still don't know, i also have a MYSPACE and i put ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

bekkypk August 18 2006, 06:35:59 UTC
Congrats to yr mum, and yay, as long as everybodys happy. :)


kyuusai August 19 2006, 16:40:28 UTC
thanks ^_^...yeah...it's always a good thing when everyone's happy...



mistresscara August 18 2006, 14:10:32 UTC
I was looking at that manga the other day at Barnes N' Noble. How is it? And what's it about?

I have been reading Fables as it is. You should SO go and buy and read that. SO freaking good. It's about fairy tale characters living in the real world centuries later. It's AWSOME! I still need to finish the one I recently bought. I love it so much! Very good! Go buy/read!


kyuusai August 19 2006, 16:53:31 UTC
FLCL is like...just strange...weird and random...just how i like it...hahaha...it's not really to funny though...it's like...huh..that's weird...the manga only has two volumes and the anime only has six episodes (on 3 discs)...the music, to me, reflects that even more...that's why i have all 3 osts...hahaha...(on a side note...the band the pillows did all the music) and i even have one us release that the pillows did...hahaha...but yeah...i love it...it's like a dreamy summer adventure...the main character takun it kinda like meh...about everything...one of the main statements he says at the beginning is that nothing ever really happens around town...and that's when things start happening...then there's mamimi who's like 4 years older than he is and i guess like the make out with takun...and then there's this other chick who's i guess a space alien or something...and yeah ( ... )


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