Stood on the scales this morning. 3 times they steadied out at 122.0Kg, so I'm taking that as a good sign that's where the weight is. Only a 0.7kg drop since yesterday and no idea where it will be tomorrow, so I'll have to start plotting a graph or something daily I think. Still, a loss is a loss, right? :)
Push-ups: Finally hit the magic 50, though I'm only counting it as when I can do 50 in one session. It was 2x15 followed with 2x10 sets, with a v.short breather inbetween. I'm hoping to get the number in a row that I can do higher, but at the mo I'm having some issue with my left shoulder, it's been aching rather badly since the PT session on monday so I'm trying to be careful that I don't go knackering things. (I did actually do 60 push ups yesterday, but that was with a set of 30 in the morning and the same again later in the afternoon).
Suffering with a blinder of a headache today so I've not braved the gym, I don't think I'd fare too well if I pushed it with this hurting as bad as it does. I'm countering with codeine, caffeine (I've not had a cuppa since sunday, so that may be an issue) and plenty of water. Fingers crossed I'll be good and raring to go again in the morning!