Damien was having dinner at a friends, and Vanessa came along and just stood there staring at him to get home. It also happens to be where Madison lives...
"Hey mum....sup?"
"I have to go now, because my mums giving me the death stare"
Damiens gone now Vanessa....
she's obsessed by Madison, she really is.
"Stupid fucking idiot. Who wheres something like that when a babys growing up anyway?"
As i recall Vanessa, you wore a Llama suit when the twins grew up.
"Hey so um..i think im gonna have lobster, since your paying. k?"
Yep, Hannah went on a date, thats right..Hannah ON A DATE. can you believe it? Although, i was playing this from his side, and he kept that face for most of the date. Wonder why?
Dominic: "Do you wanna have babieeeeeeeeeeeees???"
Hannah: "H.E.L.P. M.E. "
"Me? Dance? with her? WHY"
He's um...loving it..
Old dude is really worried about this situation
...and Hannah gets a boob grab by the end of the night. Even if it is from a pregnant woman and not actually her date, she seems to like it.
...Apparntley Bradley is ~irresistable~
"THAT is for always being there when i wake up"
"THAT is for being such a slut of a mum"
Family love <3
"THAT is for being a man whore"
Damiens always jumping around and shit
"What are you doing here you stupid fucking gnome? You've HAD IT NOW BITCH"
Whatcha smustling to Holly? Shall we show the readers what you are smustling to? Yes i think we shall...
Click to view
........Yeh, I put a load of random old songs on my computer into the game and just thought it was amusing that they were smustling to "Is it cos im cool"
Facebook: Hannah Moore today i hate this fucking kid ive never even met, infact, i just hate all kids, they are all just little shits.
Oh god. Now Bradleys on the juice, too.
"Im so sick of jumping so abnormally high now, I HATE BEING A KID"
Damien: "OMG she has a vagina"
Hayden: "Who let this fucking kid in here?"
Hannah has no one to play with D:
Arn't they just a nice bunch of siblings? <3
"Someone better give me a counter to work on NOW, or theres gonna be some sore ASSES"
Oh, Hannah......
Dont even dare. I mean it. I know where you live,, i can make you life hell!
Holly comes and distracts him with her hussy ways
Um...Damien...who are you talking to........
Poor Haydens losing the will to live these days
"Hey little boy, whats your name?"
I sent them to the pet store to er....get a pet.
"Now repeat after me...'EVERYONE MUST DIE'..there's a good birdy"
They got a dog. It's called Beasty.
And Hannah actually made a friend. Even if it is a parrot that stares at her chest.
So she brought him home and named him Hitler
Oh now that's just going to make Damien a laughing stock at school isn't it? 'I havn't done my homework beacause my Chihuahua, Beasty, chewed it up'
"Ok Hitler, remember what we talked about...everyone must die, so do me proud!"
Thats abit of a evil face to be walking downstairs with...did you just do a really big poop in the upstairs loo or something?
Hannah got fat.
And this can only anger it her even more...
Time for Damien to grow up
This is a rockin' partay
See? o-b-s-e-s-s-e-d.
Damien rolled Knowledge/Family
Giving her a taste of her own medicine?
"HAI. Will you hury up already, i have something for you.."
"Your punch of the day!"
"What the hell is wrong with you? Your a fucking physcopath"
Either way, Hannah seems pleased with herself.
"Well how'd you like some knuckle sandwich then! huh? How'd you like this every morning bitch!"
Stop crying all the time Hayden! I think she's quite sad about the fact that her part of the round robin is over.
Holly: "Your bird seems to be flying around me alot lately..."
Hannah: "thats because ive trained him to kill you Hey so um...its great not being poor anymore huh?"
Holly: "Yeh its great not being poor! Maybe you could get some acne cream now"
Hannah: Go on Hitler, DO IT, DO IIIIIIIIIIT
"Get out you ugly dooche bag, i need to pee"
Hannah: "Bitch you better get out right now, before I FLUSH YOUR UGLY HEAD DOWN IT"
"Get the hell away from me!!"
"What?! All's i said was that your face looks abit like a chimpanzee since you aged into a teen"
"Hey....So whats a guy like you doing in a batshit crazy house like this..."
"OMG that was so hot"
"And i like that tracksuit...id like it even more...on my bedroom floor....hey that ryhmed!"
Vanessa's bday!
"What the hell? you let me get old. Screw you."
Whats with the evil look Bradley?
What? Who even stole it? I bet it was that ginger dude, oh he's going to pay next time im in that lot
Oh Holly's going to love that.
And she knows it
"Sweet! 5 minutes on the treadmill and im anorexic!"
Its like she can see me sometimes...
Bradleys got another chick to fall for his ~irresistable~ ways
Yay! with Vanessa now old, i could finally through an anniversary party
You don't seem really into that hug Hayden
A toast to Hayden!
Congratulations on your first ever woohoo...all them years ago"
"mmm you smell good bro"
"Hey randomer, do you want me to read to you?"
The old's pose for a final shot
Because its time for everyone to age up!
And the 3 i have picked for the Heir Vote are.....
And there you go! I have to say, i had fun playing this family, and i hope i didn't suck to much with my writing lol!
Well the actual poll will be up soon, and on that i will put all thier LTW's, skills etc
I also need to know who's next, because i know the list of people changed slightly
Happy voting!