kirasbby186 has signed off
"Sigh... oh well, maybe he'll sign on again later," the young girl said to herself, hoping with all her heart that she too would have the chance to talk to her hero, Kira. Misa Amane, aka kirasbby186, was one of many fans of the Townie-killing savior.
"You're pretty model~ yes you are!"
Living in a tiny apartment in the ghetto as a struggling actress and model wasn't easy to begin with, but when your city was overrun with nasty Townies it was nearly impossible to go out without constantly getting harrassed! So how could she EVER get discovered?? Misa had been hoping for her big break for a long time, and thanks to Kira... it finally happened!
One day when Misa was out and about, hoping to get discovered, she ran into a really ugly guy. While she was busy gagging because she was so turned off by him, he came up and asked if she was okay. It was then that she realized it wasn't just some ugly guy--it was Zac Effron!
"That shirt... so... tacky!"
They got to talking and it turned out that Zac's producer was actually looking for a lead actress the play an Alien Cyborg Princess in an upcoming movie with Zac, and Misa had the perfect look! She gave him her card and he told her he'd get back with to see if they could get her to audition, which she did, and before she knew it Zac and her were making plans to shoot together.
"We can make beautiful music together!"
Misa met the producer and memorized her script, and within days they were on the set and ready to shoot. To fit the role of the Alien Cyborg Princess, Misa had to go through quite a change--first, she was given the craziest wardrobe she'd ever seen. It looked like it would glow in the dark! Then she had some crazily colored makeup done, giving her blue lipstick and everything. But perhaps the biggest change of all were a pair of bright red eye contacts. All seemed fine and dandy until she opened her eyes after the contacts had been put in. She immedialtly noticed some kind of green glowing... thing above the head of her makeup artist. Just sitting there! In the air! Misa was shocked to find that everyone had a weird green crystal above their heads.
She didn't know what it meant or why they were there, and when she asked everyone seemed to think she was crazy or had found the producer's secret stash of crackcocain. After a while, Misa decided it was just some weird glitch that came with the contacts since the crystals disapeared whenever she removed them. So, like the professional she was, she went on to give the best performance that she could... even with those giant distracting things above everybody's heads.
"fghdsjkdfk ??"
Meanwhile, L made his trip to Japan. It was a wonder how he could do it on his own without Watari (who had mysteriously vanished), but the important thing was he was there, and he was ready to kick some Kira butt. At first he was a little confused--what with the change of culture and lack of Watari, L wasn't even sure how to dress himself anymore.
"Is this me?"
But he got himself back on track, and he knew exactly who he needed to get in contact with--the Japanese Police. It only took a little bit of pursuasion over the phone for the Task Force to agree to meet L in real life, in some hotel of the man's choosing so they could begin working on the case together.
"I have some very important things to discuss with you all. As soon as I'm done eating my cake."
At first, there was a lot of snickering and giggling. L was an odd character. He slouched while he walked and generally looked and sounded like a freak. If the guy wasn't a genius they swore they'd have nothing to do with him! But anyways, they went on to talk about the Kira case and decided to join forces, since two heads were better than one (or 6 heads was better than 1, or 5). L then went on to ask if anyone knew of any good places to eat since he was new in town, and that conversation eventually led to him admitting that he also had no place to stay.
"You know, my son is going off to college soon and has been looking for a roomate," said Soichiro, digging through his pocket for a piece of paper. "I'll give you his number so you two can work it out."
Yagami-san apparantly didn't care if his son roomed with a creeper who was probably twice his age. But then again, he did always have doubts about Light's paternity...
"Splendid. I get the feeling we will catch Kira in no time!" L said, then happily munched away at his baked alaska.
Author's Note: lmfao, okay, so yeah, I made Zac Effron in my game. There's actually a good reason behind this, but I'm keeping that information to myself. XDDD Anyways, I had nooo idea what to do with Misa's storyline. I decided I didn't wanna make Rem cuz it was too much work, but like, I still wanted her to have some kind of powers or something, so I came up with the red contacts idea. Stupid I know. But this is crack, who cares? So anyways, she ran into Zac Effron (and started gagging at him) in the park and I knew exactly what to do with her from there. XD
Getting all the task force and L in the same place was a PAIN IN THE ASS. That is all. Unfortunately, I couldn't find an L-like pose that would work in a chair... so he'll always have to sit on the floor XD