Feb 24, 2011 22:37


I asked permission from kyoy if I could do this meme for her lol/fag ♬ Have your friends comment to this post with a song they want you to sing. ♬ Sing that song -- it doesn't have to be the entire song, but at least a good part of it. ♬ Record what you've sung at or other voice recording websites and share it to the friend that requested. ♬ Tag at least five people to do this meme!
Tagging: kyoy (LAWLS), poyayan , tindercrest , ayvuir_knight , mushroom18 \o/

Lol, if you can suffer my voice that is.


The Seven Deadly Sins Challenge

Day 1 - Pride: 7 great things about yourself
Day 2 - Envy: 7 things you lack and covet
Day 3 - Wrath: 7 things that piss you off
Day 4 - Sloth: 7 things you neglect to do
Day 5 - Greed: 7 worldly material desires
Day 6 - Gluttony: 7 guilty pleasures
Day 7 - Lust: 7 love secrets

1. My own car.
2. An unlimited supply of fuel. If I don't get this one, I don't give a crap about the first.
3. A very nice camera for taking pictures of Rocky :3
4. A date (boo-freakin-hoo) with a person who meets my standards? :)) God's best na!
5. A mini laptop (which I'll get next week kekeke) thank God
6. Sleepover at kyoy's :(
7. A multi-million record deal for my band \o/

No, I don't want much. :D


The 30-Day Meme

Day 03 → Your favorite television program

DOCTOR WHO. No question. None at all. (But the reason I started watching DW at all was because of Merlin, so that comes as a close second).

Lol, finally, these memes are moving again.


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