hey guys ok i know camp was like forever ago but i just got my pictures back so enjoy..........
Abby, Jenn E., Jenn D., Lauren, and Me at cracker barrel on the way to UDA Camp
my girls from Pizits ( katie, nan, me, emily, and julie anne)
omg there twins. I love them but they freaked me out at first cause i didn't know they were twins.
ok lindi is ^ there then me then...............^hayley
the 05-06 warriorettes
me and clarissa and our all star.......papers, they didn't get enough medals
jessica me and audrey with our allstar papers ........we shared audreys for the picture
chipmunk goldmember and jose on varsity night..........say anything about the makeup and it's on
my youth group on varsity night taking our goofy picture
yes i saved the best for last ....................JAKE BROWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!