Video Game Meme

Feb 23, 2008 14:33

Finally, an interesting (at least, for me) meme!
Stolen from negativa

1. My favorite genre of game:
RPG or Rhythm

2. My favorite game/games:
Skies of Arcadia, Jet Grind Radio, Bioshock, Silent Hill 2

3. My hated game/games:
Early Mega Man games that are totally unforgiving

4. My favorite enemies (minion enemies):
Chomper from Mario. Honorable mention to Tonberrys from the Final Fantasy series.

5. My most hated enemies (minion enemies):
Snacker the shark from Banjo Kazooie. I might not have grown up on Jaws, but I can see why it freaked people out.

6. My favorite enemies (bosses):
Dragons, right?

7. My most hated enemies (bosses):
I could do without cat-girls to be honest.

8. Most loved good-character:
Vyse from Skies of Arcadia.

9. Most hated good-character:
Tidus from Final Fantasy 10. Fucking die.

10. Most memorable game:
Dragon Warrior 1 for NES or Chrono Trigger, games that I feel in love with that got me into gaming from a young age.

11. Least memorable game:
Fable. Can remember little about it other than that it was a total disappointment.

12. Favorite segment of game(a gun battle, for instance):
The end/credits of an excellent JRPG with great music. Oh, what a feeling.

13. Least favorite segment of a game:
Trying to convince people to play Lucky Hit in Shenmue II. The box-moving job mini-game sucked too.

14. Most loved storyline:
Skies of Arcadia. Excellent writing and a non-whiny protagonist in a JRPG? Yes please. The premise of sky pirates riding around on flying sailboats was also incredibly original before it got ripped off by better-known RPGs.

The runner up would be Silent Hill 2. I thought the game was way more interesting with a more personal story instead of one about the occult.

15. Favorite secret/easter egg/cheat:
I still remember the strippers in Duke Nukem. Also worth considering is the Zergling in Warcraft 3, or Grunt Birthday Party in Halo 3.

16. How many games you've think you've played in your life:
Maybe 700/800.

17. How many games you (think) you own:
Probably around 100 between all generations that weren't sold off.

18. Favorite weapon:
Maybe the metal gun from Mega Man.

19. Favorite spell/power:
The aoe-spells in RPGs that let me finish off non-boss battles quickly.

20. Hardest boss you've ever beaten:
I had a lot of difficulty with the the final boss fight of Xenogears, where you fight 4 sub-bosses before Deus on the same set of HP/fuel. Otherwise, maybe Alma from Ninja Gaiden or Valmar's Eye from Grandia II.

21. Easiest boss you've ever beaten:
Every true "final boss" that follows the hard boss you are meant to believe is the final boss in any JRPG ever.

22. Favorite system:

23. Favorite gaming controller:
Gamecube controller. Comfortable and intuitive.

24. Best level design:
Glacia, the ice level in Skies of Arcadia. It wasn't particularly well designed for gameplay, but it was beautiful and had fantastic music.

Runner up would be the Deku Tree in Zelda: Ocarina of Time. This time for the opposite reason; it wasn't particularly nice to look at, but it was designed perfectly for gameplay.

25. Console or PC?
Console. PCs cost too much to maintain, and there aren't even many new games available for it when compared to console. Attribute this to piracy if you will, which I'm happy to say isn't as much of an issue on consoles.

26. Scariest moment in gaming:
The jail or the apartment in Silent Hill 2. I think the game would be less scary to me now, but I know those two places would still creep me the fuck out.

27. Most suspenseful moment in gaming:
Despite hating World of Warcraft in a way and recently quitting, I'd have to say it's got this one in the bag. 40-man bosses like Ragneros, Nefarion, 4-Horsemen, C-thun, and Sapphiron felt extremely suspenseful on the attempts where you were so close to winning and then actually did.

If I have to choose just one, it would be a toss up between Ragneros and Loatheb. Rag was just the first major road block for a lot of guilds, and I was in a mediocre guild when we downed him. This made the victory and the 8 minutes leading up to it all the more suspenseful. Loatheb was just a poorly designed encounter that required a lot of time, money, and world buffs to kill. On the first attempt where we had all the world buffs and flasks on, my hands were practically shaking. I was playing a holy priest at the time. The design of the fight was such that you could only heal one time per minute, so you used a long chain of healers to keep the main tank up. If just one healer screwed up one time during the fight, you were done and all that preparation work was down the drain. We won on that first all-out attempt, and it really stands out as an exciting gaming moment for me.

28. Now tag 3 people.
Anyone who wants to do this. I'd love to see Anthony, Jon, and Ian do it though.
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