i cant wait to leave this place. its all havoc. and like slave work here. i do everryhting here. i try and keep ppl happy like my mom... i jus told off my sister tonight. to me shes not my sister any more. i called her a slut and worthless... and thats what i see in my eyes.. i dont even care any more. we dont wanna see each other.. so o well.
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so im hangin here. bored. listening to some aspen thinkin about special ppl bac at home in jersey. ahaha i neevr thougth id have my boys missin me. haha matt and mark we def. gonna hang out wen iget bac!. haha.. hav nothing to do here. havent done any shoopin here. supoose to get new onitosuka tiger sneakers. ill get them tomro. i gotta get my lip
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yea here in Florida has been kinda hectic. hurricane charley left us. everything is damaged. alot of ppl died. no streetlights. jus really bad. mr alves wake is up in jersey. last night and today. but i cant be there to see it and say my last goodbyes. but mark being a good friend that he is, put my name down on the sheet. thanks mark. im supose to
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wow. what a day. i woke up to some shocking news. j-RO IMed me that mr. albert alves (double A) was found dead. i dont know where. or i dont kno all the info. thats just whatt he told me. every one is shooken up about it. b/c be believe it or not he had an impact on all of the kids that went to skool and knew him and have had classes w/ him.. he
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so this expirience has been not good yet. arugments w/ my family keep happpening. my brother "Tries" to be gangster and is not. and gets loud w/ my mother. i was at the bank with them and they started arguing. almost fighting. mind u my brother is 12. acting like a 20 yr old. yestesday i was cleaning. i discovered a hustler magazine under my bros
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yea wow. im here in Florida. its so crummy here already its raingin alot. it actually rained all day.but here are some pictures to loook at when i wasin the air..
tuesday: i went to the mall w/ jess. bout a hollister shirt. she got like shoes and some other stuff. we got home like 3:30pm she had modeling class. i jus chyled until later that night. it was alicias birthday and her get 2gether w/ some friends. it was alot of fun. jackie came to. and i was happy :) so any ways we all chyled there had to be close
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