you and i both know that if you tried, and setteld a little, you could fill any quote. but as we realized from the last game it's the people you can't get just for a quote that matter. so maybe the game needs different rules?
so heres my dilemma, theres this kid i know, that i use to see daily-besides school- almost nightly we would talk and catch up w/ eachother, help eachtoher w/ problems, wed joke around w/ eachother about the most random stuff. we were best friends.
now this kid i barely see, him, i am lucky to get a glimpse of him in the hall way.
Comments 4
now this kid i barely see, him, i am lucky to get a glimpse of him in the hall way.
i miss u.
a lot and it makes me sad that i have to miss u.
i love you casso
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