Oct 25, 2005 00:39
30 years ago, when a child was asked what they wanted to do when they were older, common answers were that of a fireman, policeman or astronaut.
these days, everyone thinks they're a photographer
i can't stand fake people
Oct 23, 2005 22:00
it's a proven fact that people who chew ice, expecially crushed ice, are sexually frusterated
i chew ice all the time
whata re your thoughts?
Oct 19, 2005 20:15
today was not a good day, between my mom and stress from ap bio, things have got me pretty down
hopefully this weekend will be better, i really hope things so smoothly and stressfree
ps its hannah's and casso's b-days this weekend
Oct 16, 2005 23:57
this weekend was crazy
maybe it was crazy good
maybe my moms just crazy?
thursday we should all go to a haunted house
Oct 10, 2005 16:39
First impressions are important but not nessicarily vital, as i proved on saterday.
what was your first impression of me? was it good or bad?
did i seem like i was all "big and bad" or did i seem more of a sweetheart?
how was your first impression different than your perspective of me now?
it's important to me that you all comment
Oct 03, 2005 15:48
i hate being "sick"
expecially like this
my whole body is broken out in hives and they itch and burn like it's going out of style
i feel so gross,
i make myself want to puke
see you all later
maybe friday
don't miss me too much