umm first oh all i think that this: "You can trust me on anything.","Ill always have your back nomatter what." is Bullshit because one I CAN'T! trust you I told you not to tell Ryan what I said and you go and and do it anyways. all I have to say is I thought I could Trust you and I thought you were a true friend but I guess I was wrong how could you of done something so wrong when you said that you would never go for him (Ryan) because he is to young? answer that ? maybe it's because you like sloppy seconds because basically thats all it is is My Sloppy Seconds. How could you stup so low! you have A.J & Sam and they are Hot! :Love is a strong feeling of affection, it is trusting and unselfish, Jealious is a Manifestation of selfishness: well anyways my point is I thought that you were my Friend but I guess I was sadly miss taken and I hope you are happy with my sloppy seconds cause thats all u got.
Comments 2
Your's Truly,
4/2/05 Heather
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