Witches Reign Application

Aug 07, 2010 04:53

Name: Kim
Journal: _rakugosha_
Contact: (AIM)xsmokinbombx, (Plurk)RakuRanger

Character Name: Neophyte Redglare
Series: Homestuck
Gender: Female
Age & Canon Point: 12 Alternian solar sweeps(26 Human years) No actual age was given so this is estimates that Redglare had to be at least an adult to be considered for her line of work and also the maturity of her body.

Canon point is before she's hung.
Requested Sponsor: N/A
Entry position (Cadet, SeeD, Instructor, other): Instructor

History: Ancestor info

Due to the little to know information about Redglare, there's a lot up for interpretation. From the looks of the characters and their parts, we can assume that their time is similar to our time of the Victorian era where pirates were something of the norm and people were still vastly ruled by an empress or king. It also follows the fact that the others seemed to have similar jobs of that time and rebellions were more common in an attempt to overthrow heirarchy.

From what we know, Redglare must have grown quite a bit, as she is matured, unlike the troll kids who are still kids. We can assume she is at least an adult as she holds a job.

Redglare must have been passionate in justice as she is a legislacerator. Although Neophyte refers to her inexperienced. There isn't much explaining what she does, but she probably worked for the Empress or at least the court (if there was a court) since she's a legislacerator.

The small history we do know is that she was in charge of apprehending Marquise Spinneret Mindfang. Due to her being inexperienced, Mindfang had belittled her and did not take her seriously. It's because of this that Redglare is able to apprehend Mindfang. She attacks Mindfang's ships. Her lusus Pyralsprite burns out Mindfang's sensitive vision eightfold when she looks into the dragon's bright eyes. Redglare also severs one of Mindfang's arms in the altercation.

However, the fact that hangings are more of a sport and always done in a crowd, becamse to Redglare's undoing. During Mindfang's trial, Mindfang takes over the crowd and has the crowd go against Redglare. They pull her from the central court platform and hang her from where Mindfang was supposed to be hung. Due to the fact that Redglare is probably immune to Mindfang's powers, she had the crowd go against her instead of controlling her.

Garden History: At arrival, she is surprised of course. The fact that she should be dead and hung is quite a surprise. A welcoming surprise. Redglare spends a lot of her time figuring out the new oddities of the life around her. Due to the huge culture gap between troll life and human life, Redglare is at a disadvantage as she has to figure out the differences between the life she had and the life she now has. Even so, she's an intelligent person and wastes no time in learning everything. She takes a passionate look towards law, like she always has, immersing herself with the subject. She takes a particularly careful look at all the different justice systems that are around, comparing them to each other and even her own system.

She excels in her fighting classes which isn't a surprise, as troll life was pretty hard.

She decides to become a teacher, teaching specifically law and classes that surround it as that's her true passion and she figures that if someone was to teach it, it would be someone who actually knows what she's talking about.

Abilities & Physical Abnormalities:

Due to Redglare being blind, she has other means to get around. Her smelling, tasting, and hearing is enhanced. Her smelling and tasting especially. She can smell and taste colors, and can even smell text. Surprisingly, she can actually 'read' conversations via text, which makes things convenient as a lot of things are obviously text based. To some extent she can even smell (or taste) deceit in text, which may be a skill acquired due to her obsession with her work.

She has quite a lot of quirkyness that goes with this, as she'll probably have the tendency to smell and even lick things and probably people if given the chance.

Like all trolls, her skin is greyish and she has candycorn horns potruding from her head. Her eyes are pure red behind her red visor, although she rarely takes them off. Sometimes if they fall a little too low on the bridge of her nose, you can see them.

She's extremely gifted with her staff as a weapon and has an immunity to being controlled through the mind. There's a chance she might be immune to anything that affects her mind, such as her mind being read, although there's no canon source for whether that is or not.

She has control over her lusus pyralsprite, which is a menacing dragon with bright eyes.

Redglare is a confident person. She has strong confidence in herself and what she does and it cannot be wavered or stopped when she decides on something. This makes her incredibly stubborn, which makes sense, as she was a legislacerator before taken to the Garden. She is extremely intelligent and keeps to her studies quite diligently to the point where she becomes condescending towards those who seems to show signs of a lack of knowledge towards certain fields during conversation, especially if it pertains to the law. Although she is condescending, she upholds extreme professionalism, as befitting to her work. She is fair in her treatment towards others and speaks civilly and politely when it is required to be so. Her fair treatment is her extension towards her mindset. As someone who represents the law and justice, she believes she must be fair in everything. So she judges those fairly and treats them as so.

She has an almost unhealthy obsession with the law. She spent her life studying Alternian law and worked hard to get to her rank.

She really is quite weird though. Her obsession with knowing and learning things is barely anything. Due to her blindness, she has to see the world in a different way. Because of this, she has quite a few quirks. She likes to smell things and taste things especially. She's naturally curious, especially in a new setting. She also doesn't have a full grasp of what is exactly socially acceptable in human culture. She finds that killing is not offensive, seeing as it was normal in her life. She also doesn't realize the type of contact she exhibits to be something that is weird, which might make her a bit naive.

Although she usually acts mature and polite though, she's obviously got a very childish side to her. She's quite snarky and isn't afraid to start altercations of any sort for her own enjoyment. She loves to manipulate others into doing things, although she usually does it as a bit of a prank or to further her knowledge of something. She's bold and unafraid and very much enjoys a little fun.

Perhaps unlike those around her, she isn't afraid to articulate what needs to be said or done. If one needs to be told something, she will say it. If there is an action she should perform, she will perform it. She's extremely passionate of what she believes in and refuses to let anyone or anything change that about her.

She's inexperienced though. It's not to say that means she's incapable, but she still has a lot to learn and understand about people and the world around her, although she's very passionate in figuring those parts out.

Her humor is quite dry and she tends to be rather sarcastic, which probably results in her condescending tone at times. She also really does ruffling feathers and annoying others with her chatter. She also will always call people out on making jabs at her being blind and will often make sarcastic remarks if you mention seeing, even though you sometimes don't mean it.

She's can be rather tactful, seeing to it that she does her work with her best performance. It results in her seeing what she's up against and what she has at her advantage. She might rush into things through impatience at times though, which is a result of her inexperience.

Because she believes to represent justice, she has an obsession with being perfect. She believes that she has no time to make mistakes or to have flaws, so she makes sure to do nothing but perfect work and do her most best effort to avoid missing something. Because of this, her ways are slightly unorthodox. She will not be the type of person who will not go through belongings or private matters for her leverage or gain. It it means bringing true justice to light, she will do whatever it takes to uncover what needs to be uncovered.

What are your plans for the character in-game?

Troll. She is a troll, and nothing like trolling the troll kids at their own game. Oh, and enlighten the minds of the students. But really, it's just going to end up with trolling them.

Anything else? Would it be okay if she was to keep her lusus pyralsprite? I assume, because usually it is a giant dragon, that it takes the form of a harmless baby dragon that can sit on her shoulder and transform into it's true form if Redglare calls upon it.

Complete TWO out of the FOUR options.
i) IC Questionnaire
(As this questionnaire is entirely IC, your character is free to lie.)
What do you prefer to be known as?
Neophyte Redglare. Stupid. Is this an excuse to have a name blank?

How old are you?
Twelve Alternian solar sweeps. Oh, did you mean human terms? I guess it equates to around twenty six years, whatever years are.

Do you have any history in combat?
Of course. You would be dead if you were not skilled in combat. I'm obviously alive, so let's assume I can protect myself.

If so, have you ever killed?
Of course. Do humans not usually kill for survival? How does your race exist?

i) How do you feel when you get involved in some project that calls for immediate and rapid activity?
No change. I should always be ready if such a thing to occur. I do my work with my utmost best ability. If those can not handle such a thing, they should not even bother trying to drag others down with their failure.

ii) Do you organize and initiate leisure activities?
Of course. Leisure activities should be of something that still teaches the mind, such as reading. Or this 'sports' that you silly humans seem to posess.

iii) What role do you take when working in a group?
Leadership. Of course I will backdown if so be it, but I expect whoever is in charge will know what is the best for the group.

iv) How talkative are you around other people?
I talk I suppose I even get chatty if the topic is of interest.

v) What three things would you want to have with you on a desert island? State your reasoning.
My cane. My glasses. And my lusus pyralsprite. What a stupid question to throw at me. You think a desert island will stop my lusus from bringing me home? Such inadequacy. Who made this questionnaire? This is obviously cartered towards humans and is racist towards my race. I demand that things are fair in the future.

vi) Is it important to be liked by a wide range of people?
Unimportant. Whether people like me or not is not of my interest. I am only interested in my work and seeing it be done to my upmost best performance. I suppose I do have allies and 'friends' in certain places though. But who's to say that we're not all looking for the best of our own lives? Hmph.

vii) When the odds are against you, is it worth taking a chance?
Do I look like someone who would turn away from taking a chance? Do you not realize I am blind? I believe odds are already stacked against me with this so-called, disadvantage. This questionnaire seems to disregard those with disabilities. How rude.

viii) Do you consider yourself to be an impulsive person?
No. Unless you're looking for a relatively short life, you better hope that you articulate something before rushing into it.

ix) Would you agree that planning things ahead takes the fun out of life?
Oh yes. I find it just wonderful to run head on into something and get yourself killed. Would you agree that dying is fun?

I thought so. No. Planning is something you should do if you wish to get ahead in life.

Next question.

x) Do you like surprises?
There is no surprises in justice.

xi) Do you sometimes wonder if there is something wrong with you?
All the time.

As in no.

xii) Do you consider yourself to be smarter than your superiors, and disagree with their decisions?
Next question.

xiii) Lastly, how do you feel about cabbages?

Jegus, what the hell is that?

Her feet touched the stony, cold floor lightly as she made her way through the prison. Most were empty. It almost seemed silly to have it. Those who were captured were usually dealt quickly. Their system was quick, as it should. No rest for the wicked and there was definitely no reason to prolong anything when those who were in there were there for a very good reason.

But it was different. She wasn't just escorting some no named villain to be hung. Oh no. This time, it was someone who was particularly infamous. Marquise Spinneret Mindfang. How gleeful it was to have her behind bars. "Mindfang is it? I believe it is finally time for your trial. There is no reason for you to speak of course. The system will find you guilty of all charges. We have more then enough evidence to hang out without this trial, but the crowd wants a show. I cannot say anything against my superiors, although I would have rather just kill you right then and there if they did not want you alive to do this." She didn't like it. When those who didn't understand her work getting in her way. But she could not say anything against them. She had a feeling that this wasn't a good idea, but it was too late.

She would escort Mindfang to her execution and that would be the end of it. Redglare had no idea that the crowd would be pit against her through Mindfang's powers and she would be hung that day instead.

iv) Thread link
*Note: Link is in troll quirk for most comments. A translation can be offered if the comments are too hard to be read for both parties involved in all the threads.

application, !ooc, @witchesreign

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