So, just for shits and giggles, my good family friend gave me a tarot reading on new years day. Turns out, it really came out to be quite profound for me and I haven't been able to stop thinking about it since.
To make this easier, I will go through the cards individually. This will just help me better organize how they related to my life and how the story played out.
From start to finish (as well as I can remember the order)
Two of Swords - this card represented a state of indecision or feeling of being torn between one option and another. This relates to my recent decision to move away from Lehigh and in with Nick. The circumstance that arose, made it financially unwise to remain on Lehigh's campus and so I was faced with the decision to leave or stay, which was a surprisingly upsetting decision for me to make.
Queen of Wands - this card represented inner strength and confidence. This card referred more to my true nature, my true self, and my own intuition. It is relevant in the sense that I need to learn to trust and rely on my intuition in order to make the right decisions in my life.
Knight of Wands - this card represented change in my life. It indicated more of a period of transition but also a sense of moving forward into the future. It related to my recent eagerness and readiness to move into the next phase of my life (ie. life after lehigh) and that I am in the midst of that movement.
Eight of Pentacles - this card related to my choice of career. It indicated that the decisions I have made so far are good for me. It could refer to the job I recently got, or my decision to become a potter. Regardless, it suggests that I have been taking steps in the right direction.
Three of Wands - this card represented being on the move. It related, of course, to my current move to Nick's.
Nine of Wands - this card represented being strongly rooted. It related to the idea that my decision to move is a good one and that I will become strongly rooted there. That it will be a good thing for me and will help me to thrive.
Knight of Cups - this card was supposed to represent the near future. In my case, it indicated that in a few months time, a friend of mine will need my support. Someone will need to rely on me or will need my advice and that I will have to devote my energies to this person for a short while.
Knight of Swords Reversed - the rest of the cards, including this one, were supposed to represent further into the future, more specifically about a year from now. This specific card represents frenzied or hurried change. It indicated that I may be faced with an opportunity or a decision in the future that will come down hard and fast. It will come quickly, and I will need to decide quickly.
Nine of Swords - this card related to said aforementioned decision. this card represents confusion and turmoil of trying to decide what to do; it may be a career decision, a decision of whether to leave or stay in a particular location, whatever it is, this card shows that it will be a tough one. If I try to rationalize a solution using my analytical mind, I will surely torture myself, but if I go back to my inner strength and intuition and trust my instincts, then I will make the right decision.
Queen of Swords Reversed - this card also related to this decision, and again indicated that if I stay in my head, the decision will become harder.
Sure, there are several ways cards can be interpreted, but something about this just resonated so strongly with me... it was very similar to the other spiritual experiences that I've had with Nick in the sense that I felt something move, deep inside me, something become rustled, awakened, revived. I know that the biggest obstacles I face are my own fears and insecurities. I need too convince myself that I am the strong, self-assured, and confident woman that others have seen me as. I need to realize that I AM on the other side of fear and that I am not the child I sing to (a reference to a song posted on my website).
Well, enough of that.