I Love To Go A-Wandering

Sep 18, 2008 19:35

Title: A-Wandering
Author: l57371 
Pairing: Lorne/Parrish
Word count: 5942
Rating: NC17
Warning: Rain, cold, sex.  The usual.
Spoilers: None at all.
Summary: “It’s more than raining up here, Lieutenant.  I think I saw Noah building a boat.”
Beta: Much thanks and bouquets of purple flowers to sheamackenzie  and fififolle  for making me fill in the holes and keep the timeline straight ( Read more... )


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Comments 25

equusentric September 19 2008, 04:01:12 UTC
This is terrific! I love the little flower checking Lorne out. I'm glad he finally remembered he had it. I was starting to worry LOL.

And now I have the song in my head, the "ValderAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaah... version from The Muppet Show. XD


l57371 September 22 2008, 00:41:38 UTC
Relax, the only flowers I kill are my own, heh.

Thank you!


fififolle September 19 2008, 08:32:55 UTC
Apparently there was more to the thin, retiring botanist than reached the eye.
There most certainly is. I adored hero!Parrish. He was teh sexy.
This fic is all kinds of cute and hot :D


l57371 September 22 2008, 00:42:26 UTC
Merci beaucoup! I have a germ of an idea floating around my head. As soon as I finish writing the essay I'm avoiding (and exams) I may have another one or me.


fififolle September 22 2008, 07:01:29 UTC

Best wishes with your exams *hug* and the essay!


melagan September 19 2008, 12:41:16 UTC
I love it! The crawling flower was a unique and delightful touch


l57371 September 22 2008, 00:42:40 UTC
Why, thankee!


sheamackenzie September 19 2008, 22:01:09 UTC
I get semi-sentient flowers who I will now keep as pets ^_^ and I'm like candy. I'm half of Willy Wonka. Cool.

Feel free to send me any more fics to beta. o.o (Read: WRITE MORE!)


l57371 September 22 2008, 00:43:47 UTC
I will, I will, like I said, I have a germ in my head I'm thinking about.

Thanks for your help!


dragonbetween September 20 2008, 00:30:33 UTC
Wee! I love a good Lorne and Parrish fic and this one was great! Poor Evan got all smacked up trying to get a flower for his one true love. ♥


l57371 September 22 2008, 00:44:35 UTC
Thank you very much! I love a good h/c too...


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