(no subject)

Feb 17, 2006 20:48

Okay I haven't updated LiveJournal in forever.
Even when I do it's to say how retarded it is.
So I think I'll actually update on my life this time.
How fucking retarded is that?

This bridge was written to make you feel smittener
With my sad picture of boy getting bitterer
Canyou extract me from my plastic fantasy
I didnt think so but im still convinceable
Will you persist even after i bet you
A billion dollars that i'll never love you
Will you persist even after i kiss you
Goodbye for the last time
Will you keep on trying to prove it?
I'm dying to lose it...

I want it
I want a coin operated boy.

I doubt anyone is going to read this


Friday Febuary 17,2006

Today was very very stressful.I had Solo & Ensamble at Alonso High School.Which I don't understand because Chorus and Orchestra's events all happen at Blake but no,Mine had to be all the way across fucking town at Alonso.For everyone that doesn't know what Solo&Ensamble is were you pick a piece of music (A solo or an ensamble) and you work on it without a conductor of any sort and you play it for a judge.So that went okay I guess.For the amount of time we had to work on it at least.It was my school day that was stressful.I had worn the clothes that I was wearing to Solo and Ensamble.In my fourth period some complete idiot decided to put his gum under the desk , then I lifted my knee up and gum,all over my fucking pants.

Then I was at lunch and I was sitting at my normal today having an okay lunch period,when some moronic nigger comes and steps on my instrument case.Yeah,I yelled at him.He looked at me like I was speaking some kind of other language.Some people don't understand that that instrument is my life.I am an artist.I am not some groudy disgusting person that wouldn't know talent if it bitch slapped them while ass fucking them.It's disgusting some of the things people do.Then some other idioic nigger stepped on my sketch book.That was after school so I had plenty of fuel for my fire.

That was today.

This entire week

This entire week has been one of the longest of my life.I had so much shit going on this week and it has been absolutly fucking s.t.r.e.s.s.f.u.l.Tuesday we had our pre-festival concert and it was....Bad.I'll have the link to our performance at the bottom of this entry.Or you know,maybe I won't.Also since solo and Ensamble was this week , me Anna and Kim stayed after school everyday and rehersed.Thank God this week is over.

Ryan's sex Life

Currently Ryan's sex life is pretty damn non-existant.I'm pretty damn tired of it.I don't need someone special to make me happy,but it would be nice.There is one person that I woudln't mind dating....No fucking chance though.I'm really damn tired of liking people that I have no chance with.It's really damn annoying.I wish I could be completely celebant for the rest of my life.I love the body,but I hate the mind.
I want a coin operated boy
I want a guy so drunk he can't talk
I want these qualities.
I need these qualities.
Everything would be so much easier if I liked women.
I want to so bad.
But i can't.If there is one thing that I am not it is that I am not untrue to myself.I am a very jelous person.I want thigns other people have.I want a perfect relashonship.I want to be satisfied with myself,I want I want I want I want.
It's always beyond my God damn reach.

I just wished someone could understand
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