School school school.

Feb 20, 2006 18:50

School school school today was interesting.


Band was the same as it always is.We just listened to the recordings from our pre-festival concert and listened to the judges comments.I think alot of the things he said were mostly irrelevant.Just because of my personal taste in music.I thought we did okay.Exept for the last movement of our "Finale" song.It was bad.But I guess I'll hear that one tommorrow.We didn't have time today.
We also got our judging sheets back from Solo and Ensamble on Friday.He made alot of helpful comments (I thought).It was definetly still a pity superior.But obviously he didn't think we did that bad.And we weren't that bad.But I don't think we deserved the superior.Oh well.I guess I should complain.


Biology wasan't bad as always.We did a lab and that was kind of interesting.I like my Biology Teacher.She makes everything kinda interesting.And she does the best with what she is given.I always enjoy that class.Angela wasan't at school though.That's very unusual.She had a good reason though.She wasan't just skipping (Which is totally out of her charactor if she would have skipped).
I think I like Mrs.Hasselbach so much because she ties biology in with her everyday life.She always seems to know what to say.But she's not a teacher that doesn't do shit when she doesn' feel like it **Cough**Mr.Pagano**Cough**.I enjoy that class a great deal.

Personal Fitness

Personal fitness is an okay class.It's a nuisance though.It's basically my fuck off period.I always dress out,I always participate,I always take everything to my advantage.I think it's good that personal fitness is a graduation requirment.The population is getting huge.I think it's bullshit how some of these people let themselves get so humongous.It's repulsive.


Lunch of halarious as always.My girl Renne brough cake.For no reason.She just brought cake.I think it's funny how damn spontanious she is.She's really awesome.Amanda and Christine were talking about nothing as they usually do.I love them girls too.It's great how I can just totally be myself with those girls.Then Renne got the idea that she could sell the cake to people that were to lazy to go into the lines and get something to eat.I thought it was funny.She went to go sell it in the courtyard and she dropped it.I thought she was going to kill someone.The seagulls then engulfed the cake.It was just a great mass of feathers.I thought Renne was going to cry.She just said "Oh well I'll make another one and bring it tommorrow".

Algebra II

I swear to God I hate this class.Jullisa is the only one that keeps me sane in that class.Everyone in that class is so damn stupid.I don't think they realize that tax payers are paying for their free education.They should utalize the privilage of what they are given.I think it's because of the way they are raised.They have no incentive to get out of the God damn ghetto.So they can drop out of school,have a million kids,name them all Micheal or Shiquantironeisha and stay in the damn ghetto and probably get their retarded selves shot over some retarded drug deal.So I made an appointment with Lakendraa and Jullisa with he pricipal.I have never gotten below a B in any Math class.And I'm not about to let them ruin that for me.
And then some ghetto bitch came up to me and was all like "Hey boy?! You gay?!"
I got pissed and was just like "Yeah do you want to do anything about it?!"
Then another ghetto bitch just started up and was like "I think he's protending!".
I went off on her.
I decide my sexual orientation.No one else but me.I am the only one that will decide what I fucking like.
No one but ME.
It's starting to anger me.People only go on what other people say.They don't have the God damn curtosey or the fucking balls to say anything to my face about it.

The bus ride Home

The bus ride home was definetly interesting.Me Madison Courtney and Justin all talked about sex and what we want to happen toour bodeis after we die.But it wasan't one of those "emo" conversations where everyone was like "I want to be buried and feel my eyeballs being eaten and then go to hell and burn" blah blah blah.We were making fun of it and everything that happens.I had a good time on the bus for once.

"I know that something has changed,I've never felt this way"

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