Hermione glowered at Chloe as she hummed the Crazy Frog song for the fourth time that morning. They were the only two in her AS level further maths class taking the course a year early, so they sat in a separate room whilst the class was being taken, reading through the notes for next years classes. Now normally Hermione had no problem with the girl that seemed never to work, but this morning they had only been there ten minutes and that song was already driving her barmy.
“Chloe for heavens sake!” she snapped, looking up from her notes on how to recognise quadratic equations. “Will you shut up that infernal racket!”
“Hmmm?” Chloe replied, sticking finger on the line she was at and looking up, a surprised look on her face. Sometimes Hermione thought that the Welsh girl wasn’t all that with it. At all.
“You were humming that damned frog song again,” Hermione stated slowly and clearly, as if speaking to a rather backwards four year old.
“Yes I know, no need to speak to me like I’m a rather backwards four year old.” Chloe had the disturbing ability to read minds sometimes, Hermione sweared it. Of course, everyone else just laughed at her. Whoever heard of a muggle Seer? “I’ll shut up then.”
“Well… good,” Hermione muttered and silence descended upon the small room for several minutes. Hermione looked up to see Chloe looking around the room and mouthing the words to the very same song. Although Hermione didn’t even know it had words. “Are you done, Chlo?”
“Mmm hmm,” Chloe replied, standing up and doing her usual drifting walk towards the door. Hermione stamped behind her.
“We’ve finished Miss,” Hermione said to the very harassed looking maths lecturer. The teacher looked up.
“Well if you go into my ring binder over there…” There was a knock at the door. “Yes?” the teacher replied irritably, causing the person at the door to enter slowly.
Hermione looked up, recognising the person at the door immediately, and with some dread. She recognised that dark mop of hair and lazy slouch, of course she did. This could only mean trouble…
“I have something for a Miss Hermione Granger,” the boy drawled, flicking out his tongue and then blowing a bubble with his gum.
“Very well,” the lecturer replied, giving him a wave of her hand. “But make it quick, I don’t have time for things such as whimsical visits.”
Blaise marched across to where Hermione stood, her arms crossed and her foot tapping impatiently, and pulled her into the most passionate kiss he could muster. There was much cheering and whooping, punctured only by the occasional wolf whistle. Blaise pulled away to see a thunderous look cross Hermione’s face and stay there. Why, oh why, had he thought this was a good idea again?
“Errr… well that was all,” he muttered quickly and then practically ran out the classroom, grinning as Hermione put a hand to her lips, looking utterly shocked. He disappeared.
Chloe immediately grabbed both the notes and Hermione’s arm, and dragged her into the small conference room.
“Hermione, what was that?” she shrieked, looking very put out.
“Errr… a kiss?” Hermione replied, still dazed from Blaise’s bold actions.
“But that is the drummer for ‘Saints and Sinners’,” Chloe said, waving her hands about in the air. “He’s hot.”
“He’s been my Italian stalker for as long as I can remember,” Hermione replied. Although she couldn’t remember much right now. Just that kiss.
“Lucky you.” Chloe sat back down and pulled out the papers, handing several to Hermione.
“Yes, lucky me,” Hermione agreed, taking the papers off Chloe and shoving them to one side whilst sitting down dazedly.
The quadratics could wait.