Yup. CON OPS wants in on a Bliss Stage game. Repeat, Convention Ops at Anime Conji want me to run/sell Bliss Stage at their con.
Paging Ben Lehman, Ben Lehman to the white courtesy phone, the convention ops at Anime Conji in San Jose for you.
And it looks like I will FINALLY FINALLY have a tabletop BS group. YES.
Also on Non Bliss related news -
Financial Aid decided to compromise; given my shitty academic track record, they were unwilling to give me the money now... but they ARE willing to give it to me when I get my grades, so long as I get at least all C's. That shouldn't be hard at all; and then I have $6000 for then and next semester.
Doesn't help with Teh Moneyz now, but I was planning on seeking Employment anyway.
There are movies I would like to see, now.
Sherlock Holmes - He's not wearing a deerskin cap in the poster. This gives me great hope that they actually Did The goddamn Research. Also, it features The Woman. Full stop.
I Love Hate Valentine's Day - you sold me on the title.
Astro Boy - Yes, it will be heretical. No, I don't care. It's properly dark, with an Us vs Them mentality that ol' Iron Nuke is desperately fighting against; if they got the theme right I can forgive the Darker and Edgier visual direction. It'll be entertaining, if for no other reason than the fact that I can bring a Crow and a Tom Servo and we can comment on Elijah Wood Frodo's consistent reaction of "Dull Surprise."