Title: Shopping (1/1) Rating: G Genre: General Pairings: Hints of ShiHan, Kyuhan Warnings: Kid!Kyu Summary:Tired of the confinements of the playground, ten year old Cho Kyuhyun wanders off.
wow, it's great. don't u want to write a sequel for this? coz I really want to read it, heheheh. but I think u should continue the 'a Cardboard box' first, hehe. I'm really waiting for it ^^ happy new year
ahww... hahaha... this is so cute XDD adorable... sweet caring Geng <33 Siwon wants the same attention xDD... and Kyu wanting Geng for christmas XD.. ohhh Sungmin and his love for pink XD
Comments 17
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kyuhan~~~love this fic <3
kyu is so cute XDDD!
and geng is so caring~~~
lol~~wonnie just to old to do that~^^
Kyu is a sneaky cutie! Thank you for commenting~
it's so damn cute!!!!!
Thank you for commenting.~
happy new year
Cardboard boxes! : D I'm uh..bidding my time. LOL. -Has no idea what to write-
Thanks for the comment!
sweet caring Geng <33 Siwon wants the same attention xDD...
and Kyu wanting Geng for christmas XD..
ohhh Sungmin and his love for pink XD
Merry Christmas!!
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