Personal Book Challenge II

Nov 08, 2011 19:31

Same as last year, I'll count and review all the books I read from November, 5th 2011 to November, 4th 2012.

Here are my goals :
  • read 40 books, excluding comics and children books (those count as miscellaneous reading) (done)
  • read one non-fiction book (done)
  • read one book from each of these time periods : Antiquity (done), Middle Age, XVIth(done), XVIIth (done), XVIIIth (done), XIXth (done), XXth (done) and XXIst (done) centuries.
  • read one author from Spain, one from Canada (done), one from Italy (if possible not Italo Calvino) (done), one from Germany, one from Ireland and one from the USA (done).
  • read one book in those genres : poetry, theatre (done), novel (done), short stories (done), fantasy (done), sci-fi (if possible space opera) (done).
  • read two books for the LJ com books1001
If you have recommendations for books, or if you have reading goals yourself, I'd love it hear of it in a comment!

personal book challenge ii

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