My mind hurts. Mostly because this comic (or, I suppose, specifically this one) made it think up disturbing Val Kilmer/Chistopher Walken ho!yay!. *twitch*
But it's still a pretty funny comic, in general...
Alright, I'll admit it, I'm hooked. I have fallen hard for Veronica Mars, and more specifically, Logan/Veronica (aka LoVe). If no one on my flist watches this show, you're missing out. Sure, it's het, but there are a couple of good slash pairings out there (Logan/Weevil is badass!hot) and the characterization and acting on the show is just
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Hey, have any of you guys seen this yet? It's on the Darren Hayes website under the "Latest Videos" tab. I really don't have much to say, but I'll be nice and cut it anyway, in case anyone considers the information spoilers...
Alright, I've been coerced persuaded by megan_g to give fanfic100 a try, so here goes! In case anyone's unfamiliar with the challenge, you first claim a character, series, or pairing, and then write 100 fics about them based on promts that can be found at the community
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...until I look at my friends list. And then there's always someone who's remembered, who's posted some tribute to the anniversary. And I realize that though October 5 meant nothing to me back in 2001, it now encompasses a part of me that is inextricably tied to everything I do and think. And I wonder if they realize what they've meant to the
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I do not feel like working on this stupid midterm exam right now. I want to read fan fiction. Or go watch the rest of Veronica Mars. Or make LJ icons. Anything but write C code in this hot, humid weather.
Why am I always my laziest when I really need to get things done?
So I'm listening to So Beautiful for the first time... and... I have very little opinion on it. It's kinda pretty I guess. But as to Darren trying to write a 'new' Savage Garden song, I think it rather fails. It has none of the musical simplicity of SG's best ballads. (Tangent: Holy shit, he just went into falsetto, and damn that was HOT!) Er
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So megan_g pimped this to me, and not I'm passing on the love. The Vice-Versa Challenge. The details are basically to write about your fandom if an element of it were reversed... what if Daniel were the singer and Darren the instrumentalist? Daniel the diva? Darren engaged? Whatever
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So I should be doing homework... but instead I'm reading potterpuffs . Oops. But yeah, it's adorable, and just a bit weird in the 'ships, but still cool. Not that I'm an HP fan or anything...