+ Morgause! Love the woman and her basassery and her honest love for Morgana (shipping it a little less now because she really was like behaving like an older sister to the rescue, although lol, the rest of the castle will be under the impression that Morgana's just found herself a pretty awesome girlfriend). And her methods, and her army. She's straightforward and committed and just good.
+ Morgana won points back by not having stupid motives like last week. She's doing that thing where she's on a team now, and gonna roll with it. However, woman, I am doubting your commitment to the evil motion on account of the fact Uther's life was REPEATEDLY IN YOUR HANDS THIS WEEK and you chose to ignore it.
Also, you stubbornly refused to have any affectionate moments with Gwen, and you didn't even put her in your bed. MESSY BREAK-UP IS MESSY. I guess the happy days of Gwen and Morgana are truly over. Even Gwen looked at Morgana like she couldn't believe how far they'd drifted, suddenly.
+ MERLIN AND ARTHUR IN LOVE. oh god, so much, in contrast to the girls and just on their own. The care, the banter, the meaningful last words: just so much affection and trust between them. sigh. They're just perfect together, sometimes.
+ MERLIN, HOWEVER, TERRIFIES ME. Boy wizard is capable of making the coldest decisions. He really likes Morgana, and he couldn't even explain it to her. Katie was brilliant there, and oh, the betrayal hurt so much.
+ Gaius, shut UP. If you're not going to look after the kid who has a propensity to overreact and feel misunderstood and generally be angry and destructive, then you have no right to declare that she has 'chosen to do this with her gifts'.
+ In conclusion, TeamCornwallfuckyeah! Even if I'm going to miss Morgana living in the castle, stropping around and being the best dressed in Camelot. I should have liked to keep this disfunctional OT4 a little longer.