Lo chaps!
Sorry I've been such a rotten flister recently! The diss has been eating my head, but I'm hiding it away in a folder I can't see for the weekend, so that automatically makes life better.
So, things of interest recently:
+ Elections! Look at the Lib Dems making their way up the world! Nick Clegg is working the "LIKE LABOUR, BUT NICER" brilliantly, what with vaguely socialist ideals, being AROUND, and remembering people's names. Opinion polls are now pretty much 30 points a piece on all three parties (unless ofc you're yougov and tend to collate information by asking questions like "Cameron: future PM or are you a tosser?"), and yesterday's TV debate went to show to show that a Lib-Lab coalition could be awesome for a bit. Brown kept on his toes by Clegg, and tempered with Lib Dem ideals sounds like a decent combo.
+ Clegg's wife
is hot. This is obviously not a point. Except that's she's still doing her day job, and is possibly my favourite wife in a loong time.
+ Doctor Whoooo. I FORGOT HOW MUCH I LOVED RIVER. AND SHIPPED TEN/RIVER. In a series where squee was not guaranteed, this two-parter MADE MY LIFE. Apart from the final five minutes, where Ten just couldn't let it be, it was brilliant. She had such a strong introduction, and stacks of chemistry with Tennant. I am now also nostalgic for all the batshit NU RIVER ISN'T HIS LOVER SHE IS PROBABLY HIS MAKE-BELIEVE MOTHER theories people were purporting in desperation.
Anyway, for the first time, Eleven's got big boots to fill.
+ Also, NOSTALGIC FOR 1969 FICS. lmfao, I tried to watch Blink again, and once again, my passive interest in that episode turned a ridic "spot the sexual tension" thing. I don't even care if it's wholly made-up fanon now, something happened during that time. It may have been a mistake. But it was a sexy one.
+ Lost, lol. Zuleikha cannot catch a break. I am so relieved Jack/Kate/Sawyer has been mostly dropped, and they're like guys who had a threesome once and are now mostly cool. And wheee I THINK DESMOND BROUGHT SAYID BACK TO THE LIGHT. I've had a soft spot for their friendship ever since that time they were living together on a boat, like, three years ago. STILL GOT IT. <3
+ And Legend is.... my post-diss treat. I will gorge on about ten episodes worth of catch up, I think? Oh, ridiculously long American series, you were made for post-apocalyptic marathons.
+ Finally, jobs. Networking. Book fairs and agents and meetings, and OH GOD, THIS IS HARD WORK. Being almost-grown up is terrifying. So have my life's soundtrack for the past two days. Zoe Rahman = new favourite pianist ever.
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