So Doctor Who was awesome. I didn't do an insta!reaction last night because it would have involved me spazzing in caps about Eleven/River, which Moff in the confidential tried to tell me involved a not-very sexual dynamic but I am completely ignoring him.
So firstly, River? STILL A WONDERFUL LADY. Do they get more stylish than conducting adventures in a space base and then flying off with total confidence? Or running an expedition? Or parking the TARDIS and snarking and being a prisoner and generally living an excellent life? Whilst being warm and smart and lovely? No, no they do not.
Amyyyyy. Still fab, because there was no jealousy, thank god, just a period while she sussed things out. And was brave and curious, and laughed with River (more non-Doctor related conversations next week, pls?), and dealt with angels and pointed out she was not clingy. Which is a) ahaha apparently Moff's ideal world/woman/life, b)still pretty funky.
Eleven and Amy continue to be a partnership that owns my soul. The stone arm-scene where he did a little headbop thing to her shoulder and then bit her, just, SO CUTE. They're just such soumatey best friends, I can't even.
And finally, Eleven/River. Loving their relationship. The married couple bickery thing works so well, but I also got a strong sense of intrigue and almost involuntary attraction from the Doctor, like he can't help being attracted to her style and wanting to like her and get to a different part of his life where more stuff happens -- all of which is exacerbated by how much he's frustrated by her enigma and knowledge. Combined with the tragedy of what happened in their last meeting and River's current innocence and bubbliness - which is not quite the maturity that we saw in s4 - it's a pairing with so much potential.
And I'm weak for timey-wimey relationships.
Oh yeah, and there were angels. That was cool. Or something.
his face of love, as directed at Doctor Song:
and then his fidgety space-invading self:
I love the three of them like shiny things, yes.