I'm now taking requests for screensavers. They can be from any fandom, I'm not limiting this to anime, manga, etc.
As of now, I can make sprite based screensavers, slideshow screensavers, and video screensavers. Leave a comment and I'll get right on it ^^
1. If you want a slideshow/sprite based screensaver with a particular background, you'll have to provide/link me to the picture(s)/wallpaper(s) and give me the name of the song you want me to use. In some cases, I might be willing to search, but it would be easier on both of us if you had images ready for me. Sprites are one of those special cases and I'll probably search for some if you don't link me to the ones you specifically want.
2. Same rule applies for videos. Please have one in mind or link me so I don't have to hunt. I need the actual downloadable video to embed into the screensaver, so youtube vids won't help. If there's not a place to download the file, I'll have to request it from the maker, which could take a little time.
3. Please upload these images/videos to your own hosting site of choice because I don't want to hear anyone bitching about bandwidth (which is understandable).
4. If you didn't make said pictures, wallpapers, or videos, you MUST give me the name/e-mail address of the person who did. This is so that I might contact that person out of respect for the artist and request permission before using their stuff. I don't want to step on any toes and I would like to credit the maker and provide a link back to them.
5. Understand that it might take me as long as a week to get your screensaver made. Not so much that I'm lazy This is because I'll probably have to contact people for permission to use their stuff and sometimes people take a while to respond. If you made everything yourself, then I'll probably have your screensaver right away.
6. Videos are tricky. Fanvids and AMVs make particularly great screensavers, I've tested a few out! But be warned that they can potentially use a lot of memory depending on their size. I don't recommend people with older computers or those who don't have a lot of memory request video based screensavers because of this. Fair warning.
To make things easier, here's a form you can copy and paste. If a particular field doesn't apply, just write N/A:
Screensaver type: Slideshow, Video, or Sprite based
Fandom: List the name of the anime, manga, live action, TV show, movie, etc.
Song: (if any) I need the name of the song and the artist
Sprites: if you have some in mind, link me. If not, let me know and I'll look for some.
Pictures/Wallpaper: insert link(s) here.
Picture/Wallpaper maker: if it's not you, leave the artist's name and e-mail (if they have a website or an LJ, a link would also be helpful)
Video: insert link here
Video maker: Same thing as picture maker
Special requests/instructions: anything specific you want me to do
Picture/Wallpaper maker:
Video maker:
Special requests/instructions:
edit: comments are now screened. I'm opening requests up to ANYONE, even non-LJ users, so if you can't log in, you'll need to leave an e-mail address because I need some way to contact you. This way, your email address won't be out in the open for spammers XD