As per other posts. Purely for my own reference.
Current and favourite DnD, Mage, V:TM, Star Wars, etc characters only - if I listed them all here, I'd never finish...
Character Vivacia
Platform: DnD
Race: Tiefling
Class: Warlock 11
Vivacia is a lazy, lazy girl. She has the ability to permanently fly, so she never walks. As a consequence, she's a bit plump. In a good way.
She has big charismas and uses them constantly. In an earlier life she was a sex slave, so she's never really grown out of that. She also has the ability to permanently be invisible, detect magic at will, bluff/intimidate/diplome the heck of out just about anyone, and shoots red lasers out of her fingers.
Currently in play: yes.
Celile Gul
Platform: Pathfinder
Race: Human
Class: Swashbuckler 3, Figher 2, Dervish 1
Celile comes from a nomadic clan, kind of like gypsies. Weapon of choice is a pair of scimitars or a bladed scarf, which is fun. I call it "death by towel flicking", lol. Unfortunately I don't get to play her much as work usually interferes with this game *sadface*.
She's a lot smarter than she lets on, and being only relatively young is content to not lead. She calls herself the dumb fighter of the party, but she's anything but. She's happy to let the others take the glory, too.
Currently in play: yes
Platform: DnD
Race: Half-Elf
Class: Rogue 10
Rillian was my first ever DnD character. She's amoral and is only out for herself. Any hint of someone caring about her makes her run screaming. She makes an exception for sex, though. (That seems to be a recurring theme for most of my characters, lol).
I haven't played Rillian in ages. This makes me sad, as she's awesome fun. She drinks hard, parties hard, and adventures hard.
Currently in play: no.
Casberry Foxfire
Platform: DnD
Race: Human
Level: Cleric 16
Casberry is a cleric of the goddess Eris. So she specialises in Chaos. She is death to anything lawful, and is prone to random actions, as well as odd socks. Her hair was turned white by manipulating the forces of chaos in one of the planes of Limbo. As a bonus she's been granted all sorts of divine powers by her goddess, and they usually work, even!
Currently in play: no
Platform: DnD
Race: Tiefling
Class: Wizard 11
Raga is another of my old characters. I have written stories about her. Raga was abandoned, abused and raped as a child and as a consequence finds it difficult to trust. She is skinny due to being a mage. She's also a lesbian, because the idea of penii is abhorrent to her now. Her lover's name is Elizabeth, and she is a half vampire paladin of Sune. Together they tend to scare people a lot ;)
Raga's speciality is in polymorph spells - the ability to change herself into something else. She started this due to her childhood abuse - no one picks on the human kid in the corner, but everyone picks on the tiefling kid. Now she uses it to change into 10 headed cryo-hydra and kick everyone's ass around the place.
Raga's grandmother was an erinyes which my DM fully intends to work into future plotlines. Will be good :D
Currently in play: no
Kahlia Silverbow
Platform: DnD
Race: Elf
Class: Wizard 5, Fighter 6, Arcane Archer 6
Kahlia is a very accident prone elf, at least she was to start with. In her first adventure as a squishy wizard, she got keelhauled, mauled by a shark, and abducted by harpies. She then made up for it by shooting a single arrow blindly over the walls of a town and hitting the main bad guy directly in the head and killing him outright.
Kahlia is incredibly awesome. She has a baby chaos dragon as a familiar. Her constant companion is an intelligent dagger called Pepper. Her mount is a bronze half celestial griffon.
Unlike me, and most of my characters, Kahlia is a born leader. So she can be difficult to roleplay. She makes up for that in uber longbow killing, though.
Currently in play: no
Kitty Outteridge
Platform: Mage: the Ascension
Tradition: Orphan
Kitty was my first Mage character and is my most powerful. She is of orphan tradition, living in Seattle. Due to game mechanics she spent a great deal of time in feudal Japan and dealt with the spirits there. Her specialties are life and spirit, so you DON'T want to piss her off, because she'll just remove you from the weave.
Kitty was your average housewife. She has 2 children and an arsehole of an ex who has custody of them, and her main aim is to try and get them back. She was a sleeper until one day she was given a joke voodoo doll and used it on her ex. Amazingly enough it worked! Her parenting experience made her the mummy of the group. Her sewing and cooking skills have been a lifesaver on many occasions! Her best friend is now a changeling halfbreed called Gara who has a bit of a girly crush on her.
Most awesome moment for Kitty was intimidating a Japanese minotaur-oni in the Umbra by speaking to him in her mummy-voice. So funny!
Currently in play: no
Platform: Vampire: the Masquerade
Clan: Toreador Antitribu
Generation: 5th
Amaryllis is my uber vamp. Not my oldest one, but the one who has progressed the most. This is largely because she's a Sabbat bishop. Evil. Very evil.
She's a sadist, masochistic, bloodthirsty, paranoid, selfish bitch. And great fun to play. Because she's 5th gen (worked up to in game, she started at 10th gen) she has uber disciplines. Including vissicitude, so her appearance tends to change at any given time. She also has extensive body modifications, including bladed forearms and a removed heart. She can change into a dragon and breathe fire. That tends to be looked at, which she loves. She does it to provoke the kine. She also knows Kuldonics, so tends to make earthquakes and volcanoes when she's pissed off.
Her mentor is a 3rd gen Sabbat who is watching her as carefully as she is watching him.
Currently in play: no
Destiny O'Malley
Platform: Mage: the Ascension
Tradition: Euthanatos
Destiny never knew her parents and was raised in various foster homes. She has issues, lots of issues. She has dissasociative disorder, common amongst serial killers. She hates to be touched and can't make friends. She was loosely based off Dexter, so her deepest darkest secret is that she is in fact a killer, but tries to only kill the bad guys.
She is a private detective by trade, most recently living in New Orleans, and has dabbled in voudoun. She has her own peculiar code of honour which she has to live by. She is also constantly armed and a bit trigger happy.
Her specialty spheres are entropy and mind, so she deals in death, chaos, and making you forget what you just saw. All of which are handy for her.
Destiny was killed in action in an alternate mage plane. Her body was removed by the enemy but her spirit and avatar remained with the group. Once they're reunited, they can be rejoined.
Currently in play: no
Davie Ives
Platform: Mage: the Ascension
Tradition: Orphan
Davie is a 12 year old boy who is great fun to play, because I can run around doing stupid things and yelling out stuff like 'poo' and think it's hilarious.
Davie has a serious side but is too busy having fun to let it register.
He is stuck in the alternate mage plane where Destiny died and actually awoke due to her death. He thinks it's the best thing ever. His parents don't agree.
Davie recently acquired a monkey because he wandered over to the group who was negotiating with a local tribe for services rendered and asked for it. The group was livid. Davie was ecstatic.
Currently in play: yes
Vida Rizo
Platform: Star Wars D20
Race: Human
Class: Soldier
Vida is loosely based on Carth Onasi from KotOR, only a girl. Without Raphael Sbarge's sexy voice. She is the strong and silent type, utterly loyal, searching for some sort of meaning. She has high ranks in pilot, computer, and mechanics and can shoot just about anything.
I haven't gotten to play her much as yet but she's very promising.
Currently in play: yes
Aaaand you know what? I think I'll stop there. I could go on forever, but I won't. Might add some more later though.
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