Well, I very much enjoyed it. There were things I didn't care for, but I loved the trio and the Horcruxes and the Deathly Hallows, which after all were the meat and beer of the book. I totally sympathized with them, wandering around clueless, tracking down any half-assed lead they could think of, bursting with excitement every time they actually accomplished something. It was a good story. I also found the Dumbledore backstory very interesting.
I honestly don't know what to think about the R/T. I admit, I was a bit worried that everything would be sunshine and flowers because Tonks Perservered and Got Her Man, so I was glad that what we saw here was a more realistic continuation of what we saw in HBP, even though it made me cringe. It is sad that Tonks had such a big bleeding hole of need underneath her seeming confidence and cheeriness, but also believable. I've known that girl, right down to the "I know he says he doesn't want children but he'll change his mind when I'm actually pregnant" part.
The OBHWF was set in stone, but I thoroughly expected that. On the other hand, I would never have guessed Dumbledore/Grindelwald in a million years.
And there were little shippy Easter eggs for almost everyone, it seemed to me. R/S shippers got that sweet glimpse of MPPL Valhalla. R/T shippers got their MCWC. H/Hr shippers got lots of handholding and Ron acting like a jerk. H/R shippers got "He knew you'd always want to come back." H/D shippers got a dramatic rescue and Harry's Special Affinity with Draco's wand. H/S shippers got the black meeting the green and "the bravest man I ever knew." Just too much stuff to name. Good times.