Name: Misa. Wait, are we allowed to use online titles? Because my IRL name is kinda poncy and I worry it may make me seem less poor! (Flails)
Age: 19, but I'm going to be 20 at the end of the week.
Location: In the cupboard, feasting on the scraps anyone can give me.
1. Have you ever been too poor to afford smokes/drinks/food? Which was the first one to get cut? I don't smoke, and most drink (at least, the alcoholic ones) are bummed off my boyfriend. So, if money is low, usually I end up cutting lunch.
2. What is the most pathetic situation you have been in due to lack of money? Stuck at my former college, followed by a city on the way home from school, since I ran out of money for the bus and I had to beg for a ride. To make matters worse, this happened on the same day.
3. What is the most creative thing you have done to get some extra cash? Thankfully, I have not been forced to get creative yet. But I ended up drawing a lot of pictures for my boyfriend, in exchange for not having to pay gas.
4. Have you ever been jealous of your pet for leading a better life than you? I'm more jealous that she can sleep all day and night, and meanwhile, I have to wake up and do things. (Weeps over lost sleep)
5. You find $100 on the street, what do you do with it? Take it to closest police office or officer. I never keep lost sums of money more than twenty dollars. D: Besides, someone may be worse off than I am.
6. If you could pass on one piece of advice about living life in poverty, what would it be? Check out for bookstores and video-game stores that allow buy-backs and sell old DVDs/CDs/books/games there. It's a lot smaller the money they give you for it (think... Ten dollars for a used game that cost fifty new. (swears a bit)), but it's quicker and more guarenteed than e-baying your old crap.
7. Who is your favorite mod? Which one of you voted me into the community? Yeah, you! Right there! You're also very pretty too, you know.
8. Why are you elite? Because it makes strangers on the intrawebs think I'm cool. And anything's worth it if people I don't know think I'm cool. (Preens)
9. What is your favorite cheap and tasty recipe? Breaded, fried chicken sandwiches with mayonnaise and American cheese.
10. You're probably too poor to own a camera, but we still want to know what you look like! So, provide us with a representation of yourself in any medium. See the girl in my icon? Yeah... Juist give her blonde hair and glasses, and that's me. Oh, and a paunch.