Name: Aussie
Age: 18
Location: Chi Town
1. Have you ever been too poor to afford smokes/drinks/food? Which was the first one to get cut? Well seeing as I don't smoke or am I legal to drink, so I cut food when I have no money.
2. What is the most pathetic situation you have been in due to lack of money? Sometimes, or well A LOT of the time, if I'm in a drive through I'll have to pay in change. Not only from the shallow pool in my wallet, but under car seats as well.
3. What is the most creative thing you have done to get some extra cash? My and Brother #4 tried ramming ourselves into the quarter game machine a few times and tried to make it look like we tripped.
4. Have you ever been jealous of your pet for leading a better life than you? My dog has it MADE in the shade. He even has a nice leather collar, I have hemp.
5. You find $100 on the street, what do you do with it? Maybe save it to finally have enough money to open a bank account.
6. If you could pass on one piece of advice about living life in poverty, what would it be? Stay away from drugs and liquor and the men who play for fun.
7. Who is your favorite mod? Destiny cause she is awesomesauce.
8. Why are you elite? because I say so. My word is golden.
9. What is your favorite cheap and tasty recipe? a 50 cent bag of Lays and free sweet and sour sauce from McDonald's. Dip and enjoy!
10. You're probably too poor to own a camera, but we still want to know what you look like! So, provide us with a representation of yourself in any medium.
11. Don't you want to spread the love? Provide a link to where you have pimped us!