Name: Caito
Age: Two score and one year
Location: New Jersey
1. Have you ever been too poor to afford smokes/drinks/food? Which was the first one to get cut?
Food first, because beer constitutes a meal, yes?
2. What is the most pathetic situation you have been in due to lack of money?
One time of the month, I couldn't afford any feminine hygiene products, so I when I was hanging out with friends, I'd go "Oh, shit, anyone have a pad or tampon?" or else go use a public restroom and ask approachable-looking strangers. But ever since this happened, I've tried to carry extra pads and tampons with me, even when it's not my period, just in case some other poor girl has found herself in a similar situation.
Edited to add: Kim says to tell you about the time I stole food out of the "donate food here" box. I stole instant oatmeal, Capri Sun, and several cans of tuna. I did not at the time even own a can opener, and could not afford one, either. I wound up getting one for my birthday.
3. What is the most creative thing you have done to get some extra cash?
Other people's homework.
4. Have you ever been jealous of your pet for leading a better life than you?
Yes. And I've contemplated stealing their food. And they're gerbils.
Edited to add: Oh God, I went and blew a chunk of my paycheck on getting my gerbils a Pretty Pink Princess 'habitat', which is like a cage only awesome. And I got whatever is the blue equivalent, for the boys. They live in little gerbil castles. Why do I spoil them so hardcore?
5. You find $100 on the street, what do you do with it?
Send it home, probably. My family would find better things to spend it on than I could, and they probably need it more.
6. If you could pass on one piece of advice about living life in poverty, what would it be?
Don't be ashamed; more people are understanding than you think. But sometimes it still helps to cry in your university's financial aid office.
Also, if you're a university student, make friends with janitors and cafeteria workers. They deserve more courtesy than they get, and you'll be surprised at how awesomely they'll come through for you when you least expect it.
7. Who is your favorite mod?
Destiny, because I was too poor to go home this summer for vacation, so I went to her house instead and we baked a cake.
8. Why are you elite?
Because I get up to some zany antics, yo.
9. What is your favorite cheap and tasty recipe?
I have three, and both were given to me by my grandfather, who said these were the kinds of things his family ate during the Depression:
1. Applesauce sandwich. Pour applesauce onto a piece of bread, top with another slice of bread. Do not use too much applesauce or else you'll make a goopy mess. I like to have these for snacks, but everyone else seems to think they're gross.
2. Too poor to buy cereal? Break up chunks of graham crackers, put in a cereal bowl, add milk. If the cracker bits are too small, they'll soak up the milk too fast and become really soggy, just so you know.
3. I steal ketchup and mayo packets from various locales and mix them together to taste, use as dip/spread/garnishing for pretty much anything ever. Another good combo is mayo packets and relish packets, especially good with your favorite generic brand of tuna.
10. You're probably too poor to own a camera, but we still want to know what you look like! So, provide us with a representation of yourself in any medium.
Sometimes I even make “beep” sounds when I do that. Too poor to go see a movie or something, you see.
11. Don't you want to spread the love? Provide a link to where you have pimped us!