Good Stuff
Ryan and Esposito: Still awesome, especially as a couple/team
Martha and Alexis jumping all over Dr Dude for going after Castle
Lainie (but what happened to her and Espisito--that was hot)
Having another potential kick ass woman on the show, and one that won't necessarily be on Castle's side.
The team actually being a little in the wrong, for the right reasons, about Montgomery.
The stuff that gives me pause:
Why can't we have two strong female cops that aren't in competition with each other? I don't care if they aren't best buds, but seriously? Kate broke the new captain's record for making detective, and the captain knows this?
Kate's shooting being kind of like a fridging in terms of Castle, even though she didn't die.
Kate lying about not remembering, and what it means for the UST for the season. Just do it already!
All in all, I still liked the show, but I am making squinty eyes at it.
Crossposted at, where there are