Are you available? yeah yeah. thanks for the reminder.
What is your age? 21
What annoys you? people, places, things. And robots.
Do you know anyone named Billy? course! Billy Jean...
When is your birthday? November 21
Who is your best friend(s)? Ryan, Chan, Azra is getting there.
What's your favorite candy? gummy thingz
Who's your crush? Matt :) Dont worry, noone any of yous guys know.
When was the last time you cried? Monday. Theres beauty in the breakdown.
Do you day dream? Yes.. its usually me dreaming of bitching people out.
Kind of dog? What kind am i? Or what kind i like? Id be a huskie..husky? if i could, and i would like a miniature schnauzer
What day of the week is it? thuuuusday
How do you like your eggs? scrambled with a ton of stuff in it.. tomatoes, onions, ham, bacon works too, mushrooms, green peppers and cheese
Have you ever been in the emergency room? If by IN there, yes, at least 10 times a week. Been admitted? never.
What's the easiest thing to do? nothing. or eat.
Have you ever flown in a plane? i go home on planes!
Favorite flower? tulips are pretty.
Have you ever used a foghorn? no. But i thought of that one looney tunes character... what was his name?
Do you chew gum? Ja.
Are you a giver or a taker? A bit of both
How are you? good thanks, yourself?
What is the hardest thing to do? get up early in the morning... come up with money... the works.
What's your favorite ice cream? that sorbet that has three in it.. lime, strawberry, orange! Or anything with cookie dough.
Have you ever ice skated? Yeah. its a shitty life.
What's your favorite jelly bean? banana i think. or else the color red.
Have you ever heard a really hilarious joke? There was this dog, and he had a banana in his ear...
Do you wear jewelry? in my ears, and other piercings... they never change. No necklace rings or bracelets though i have lots...its just annoying.
Are you a juggalo? Why no, i do not juggle. nor am i a gigolo. tho i would like the money.
Do you want kids? eventually! Going to deliveries make me want a baby! so cute.
Love? Friendshiply. and life, occasionally.
Last phone call? Azra Pee.
Last text? received from Quel
Marriage? well id think you need a BF to be anywhere near that. Maybe the should change it to.."Mate?"
Are you medicated? also frustrated, incorporated. No i'm not, sorry.
Favorite Munchies? Gummiessssss
Do you have a nickname? rootzie, ruthster, toots...
What’s your one wish? money money. out of need, not want. Well usually my wish is "world peace" but you know, if you say it out loud it doesnt come true... dammit!
Are you an only child? Two sisters!
What's one fear that you are most paranoid about? Things in my closet.
Are you quick to judge people? Maybe... i have intuition, sorta like a 6th sense. I dont really "judge", i KNOW.
Do you think you're always right? I AM right all the time, just noone listens. But i will admit when im wrong.
Do you prefer sun or rain? sun on cold days, rain on summer days.
Do you like snow? I dont hate it as much as i hate cold weather.
What's your favorite season? Spring!
What time do you wake up? usually at 530 for hospital, my off days around 10.
Have you ever rode on a unicycle? No...
What’s the worst veggie? olives! or red peppers.
What's your worst habit? i have a ton. Ranging from procrastination to laziness to general messyness.
Where do you live? IN ON TARIOOOO (sung to the tune of Sanitarium by metallica)
Have you ever had any x-rays? only dental ones.
Have you seen the x-games? The what games now?
Do You Own A Xylophone? I'm sure i did as a kid.. the colorful ones? tee hoots
Do you like the color yellow? Yeah. The color purple is cooler though. or green.
What year were you born in? 1985
Favorite Zoo animal? giraffes! or monkeys.
Do you prefer night over day? Days for sunshine and heat. but im regularly a night hawk.
By the way, husky sounds like it belongs in pornographic descriptions, along with the word "sultry". Just saying.