(no subject)

Oct 20, 2005 20:13

Ok...Sorry. I was just killing time waiting for people to come online. so I filled out the survey. :-( My head hurt too badly to do homework or read... but I think I'll try again now.

First best friend: Mildred Something-or-other  and Felicia Caponigri (formerly Flinn) in preschool. ECDC, yo.
First car: VanBeth (a.k.a. the Bethmobile.) My mom occasionally claims that it's hers and she's letting me use it... but it's pretty much mine. :-)
First crush: This random redhead named Thomas. I named my pet rabbit after him.
First date: Midwinter, soph. year? Maybe? Never actually had anything that was strictly labeled a 'date.'
First screen name: Liz77202. Oh, the creativity.
First self purchased album: Backstreet Boys, maybe?
First funeral: a friend of my moms when I was in 2nd or 3rdgrade                                                            First pets: The amazing multiplying hamsters. And a rabbit.
First piercing/tattoo: my ears. When I was 5ish.
First musician you remember hearing in your house: Raffi! And Van Morrison. (Brown Eyed Girl. My poppa used to sing it to me, aww.)

Last car ride: 5:30ish, from the bookstore
Last kiss: ages ago                                                                                                                              Last good cry: Antioch retreat, Sat. night. A week ago
Last movie seen: Sliding Doors
Last beverage drank: coffee at Barnes and Nobles...and like, a sip of juice to wash down mon tylenol.
Last food consumed: Toast
Last crush: hate that word.
Last phone call: Ilse
Last chirp: I don't chirp...do I?
Last time showered: This morning
Last shoes worn: I'm wearing my Ugg Slippers
Last cd played: Creedence Clearwater Revival...a Best Of album. Yay!
Last item bought: Cafe Au Lait at Barnes and Nobles
Last annoyance: That my head hurts too much for me to be productive. And that Neehar isn't online and I need to talk to him.
Last disappointment: Having to leave the bookstore to finish my college app.
Last time wanting to die: I don't know.
Last time scolded: My mom said I'm too impulsive. Because I made a mistake on my college essay. And she said I'm too defensive. When I got all...defensive at her. But they were mini-scoldings.
Last shirt worn: Gray long-sleeved Gap shirt from Chicago. rae has a matching one.
Last website visited: Do people ever read these things? A site with a track list for U2's album "Rattle and Hum" to prove to someone that the person who's singing with Bono on "When Love Comes to Town" is NOT Johnny Cash, but is rather some black guy who I couldn't remember. I was right. And it's B.B. King.
Last words you said: Uhhhhh. "Ok, thanks." (In response to "you can go online now.")
Last song you sang: Hmmmm. I sang along to "False Palindromes" on the way to the bookstore... and I don't think I've sang since then. "Some lonely night, we can get together..."

What color socks are you wearing? Green fuzzy ones with frog-and-crown faces on the sides.
What's under your bed? Text books, old books, dust, a million and a half barely-filled cheesy diaries...
What time did you wake up today? 6:30?
Where do you want to go? Australia (or New Zealand), the Alps, Alaska, Macca Piccho (that place that they showed in Motorcycle Diaries that was gorgeous and breath-taking looking), Rome, somewhere service-projecty, Stonehenge, Ireland...
Where are you going to live? Hmmm. DC's a great City... I'd love to live in Europe for a while, but not my whole life. Some biggish city that's not way huge.
How many kids do you want? 3 or 4? As long as I marry someone who's good with kids.
What kind of car(s): Dunno. Strangely, I'm quite fond of my green van. If the sliding door worked.

Current mood: Nostalgic...and my head hurts.
Current music: Creedence Clearwater..."Lodi"...and now it's "Down Under" by Men at Work. "I met a man from Brussells...six foot tall and full of muscles. I said 'do you speak-a my language?' He just smiled and handed me a vegemite sandwich." How can you beat that?
Current taste: That sort of grainy dry taste from my toast
Current hair: The way it usually is. Down. With a couple bobby pins. One is pale blue. And my hair is black. and short. and sort of shines red in some lights. And pretty much fabulous, if too long.
Current clothes: Army-green semi-cargos that were $13... grey Gap long-sleeved shirt, fab black beaded webby necklace. Three rings. Glasses. Green fuzzy socks that are way cooler than Alan's face. And my Ugg slippers. Yes. Some of that was accessories. Get over it. Because I'm also wearing 5 earrings, a nose ring, and two bracelets.
Current desktop picture: a desert-y thing
Current book: "Mere Christianity" and I was re-inspired to try to be nonADD enough to read Brothers K. I'm 50 pages in.
Current time: 8:03
Current hate: Putting things out of proportion, the way a certain person in my physics class acts (since I don't hate "people", I hate "actions"), feeling useless, having to wake up early, government textbooks, prejudices
Current love: jewelry, my journal, Fall weather, yogurt with wheat germ, apples, long discussions that don't involve me being mad at the person I'm talking to, nose piercings, music, my cat. even if he doesn't like me.


1. Nervous Habits? tapping my foot, fidgeting, playing with my rings,chewing nails. feeling that nervous pit in my stomach
2. Are you double jointed? No! bleh. It kind of scares me.
3. Can you roll your tongue? I can't make the W thing, so I wouldn't make the tongue Olympics...but I can roll it.
4. Can you raise one eyebrow at a time? Only the left one.
5. Can you blow spit bubbles? I...think so.
6. Can you cross your eyes? yea
7. Do you make your bed daily? Nope.

-- LA LA LAND --

What's your sleeping position? On my side, surrounded by pillows and stuffed animals.
Even in hot weather do you use a blanket? usually. If it's hot, then I sleep naked. :-)
Do you snore? Nope
Do you sleepwalk? nope.
Do you talk in your sleep? I didn't think so, but during spring break in Europe, Rae said I did quite a bit,
Do you sleep with stuffed animals? MY stuffed polar bear (Max), my stuffed dog from Nez (Creature), and/or the big stuffed dog I stole from my brother (Though he stole it from me) who I don't think has a name.
How about with the light on? No. I want it to be completely dark.
Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on? nope. I've fallen asleep listening to my ipod... but it usually ends up under my bed when I do that.
Do you have a crush? It comes and goes.
Do you like to sneeze? Never actually thought about if I ... liked it. Uh... it depends on where I am. If the room is really quiet, then no.

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