My computer is doing horrible things to my Incredimail program, and Incredimail is the way I juggle my different Fan fic and RL e-mail acounts and keep up with the fan-fic world. Thank goodness for livejournal's Friends page.
I have all my Spanderfiles authors tagged so that I receive an email alert every time a new post is made. It's how I've always kept up. But with Incredimail gone (yes gone, I can't even get it to open) I need a different way and I think wading through my friends page will work.
At the moment I'm on page skip=220 and that's posts made just under two weeks ago. I feel a little swamped trying to catch up. I know I'm going to have to reformat my computor but I wont have the time for a few weeks yet.
If I miss anyone's stories I apologise in advance. Feel free to email me with a list of links of any stories written during May. The series still being written should be safe as I will gather them up as I catch up on this month's entries.
This friend's page thing may turn out to be a better way of keeping in touch than email alerts, I'll be checking my author list against my flist as soon as I catch up and friending any authors not on it. I think I understand it right, I need to actually friend somebody to see their posts, yeah?
I'm not due for holidays until the end of September, so time is the enemy as usual.