Decorative Arts Class: shoes!!! Round one.

Dec 03, 2013 14:24

My Decorative Arts class is winding up and i have some intial shoe projects to share. They do two pairs of shoes, a "simple" and a "complex," and most of these are their simple projects. Some fun stuff in here!

Second-year grad Colleen Dobson was inspired by the vintage 1920s shoes pictured at left, which she found in our CoStar clothing archive. She used them as inspiration to create the pair at right from a modern pump.

Undergraduate Lydia Hanchett refurbished this pair of 1970s leather boots. Her refurbishments included stretching, replacing the footbed inside, repairing the zipper flanges, and replacing the inset elastic gussets at the tops of the calves.

Third-year Candy McClernan created these leather cutwork gaiters inspired by this image of similar ones.

First-year grad Katie Keener made these "gypsy gaiters" inspired by eastern European embroidered/embellished folkwear.

Second-year grad Denise Dietrich recovered these flats with a sweet embroidered purple fabric.

Denise also presented her complex footwear project today, these fantastic fur boots inspired by a research image she found of a 19th-century pair. Denise found a pair of basic suede boots with these cute embroidered toebugs. She rebuilt the bootshafts to accommodate fur tongues and cuffs, and added the elasticated bow "closures" down the front.

spats/gaiters, class: decorative arts, shoes

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