Drabble #56: Falling & Trust

May 05, 2017 00:01

...we had a more lively response to the drabble prompt of Drabble 55, with entries by the marvelous maq_moon, me (your intrepid drabble proposer jalenstrix), the tremendous twitchy_bunnies, and the wondrous wordrevolt. We were bolstered by the commenting love of the labyfic collective, represented this past month by me, twitchy_bunnies, and maq_moon.

Hurrah, my lovely labyfic collective, I love you! Mwah!

This prompt comes courtesy of maq_moon -- a quote from Robin Skynner:

"To walk, we have to lean forward, lose our balance, and begin to fall. We let go constantly of the previous stability, falling all the time, trusting that we will find a succession of new stabilities with each step."

Mmmm, can you just imagine the possibilities? Falling and trust and instability and assurance. Tell me all about it. All the falling. All the trust. All of it, I say!

I admit, I've been thoroughly enjoying the 300 word limit, so let's continue with it for this month. Though remember that shorter pieces are most definitely welcome!

Your entry should take the following format, posted as a comment on this entry:

Word count: # of words
Drabble: $your_beautiful_drabble

I'll aim to get the next drabble challenge out on the first Friday of next month (June 2).

I'm also very happy to take suggestions if something in particular strikes your fancy -- comment on this post or PM me with your suggestions. You can see our current collected suggestions here.

Remember: Feedback is LOVE. So do reply to your fellow labyficcers' drabbles if so inclined. (Though be careful of concrit unless specifically okayed by the author beforehand.)


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