OMG, You guys all have really great ideas!

Mar 23, 2006 12:37

Wow, things are really moving along! XD And thanks a lot for everyone's input so far. So, now I'm going to lay out the tentative guidelines that your responses have yeilded, and if anyone has any issues DO NOT HESITATE to voice them.

1) New challenges will be posted every Tuesday afternoon or evening (by midnight at the latest) and the deadline for submission will be the following Monday by midnight. No other time limit will be enforced unless specifically noted in the challenge.

2) All submitted material must be new or substantially revised older work that is related to the prompt.

3) All submissions will be posted under lj-cuts, labeled like so...
Challenge #
Author's Notes:
(lj-cut here)
...if anyone has questions about lj-cuts, you could check out dmacabre's nice explaination in the comments of yesterday's post, or check out the LJ FAQ, which also explains it.

4) The variety and type of prompts can be anything. The short list is, a specific scene, a what-if situation, a few mandatory objects or ideas, one word or phrase, or a picture. If the prompt chosen for a certain week could be potentially difficult for certain readers, such as song lyrics or a controversial subject, an alternate prompt will also be included. (This can be debated though, we may not want to get bogged down with multiple prompts per week, thoughts?) All challenge posts will be listed as memories, for easy location if you miss it or want to go back to earlier prompts. (Do we also want to include all responses in the memories?)

Okay, the question of how challenges will be chosen has come up and definately needs to be addressed. Umm, I'm kind of at a loss as to how we want to do this. I'm not especially into taking all the responsibility on myself, but I am the moderator, so I don't want to force you guys into it either. What I'm hoping for is a small committee of members (two or three who are planning on being active with the challenges) to be added as moderators for the community and will share the duties of choosing and posting new challenges. If this idea is okay with everybody, volunteers or nominations are now welcome for the job.

Moving on to a related topic, I think it goes without saying that we will need as many ideas for prompts as possible. So suggestions are extremely welcome at any time. What kind of stuff do you feel like reading/writing? My tentative plan right now for storing the list that we will accumulate is my new pbwiki where I am storing the pictures for the community's background. Here is the link to the document I'll store them in, unless someone has a better place, Prompt List.
Not that I really want the list to be especially public, I just want everyone to know how it's going to work. Any questions/comments?

Okay, on another, less realted topic, a few members have expressed uncertainty about the readability of the scrolling background and white font. Sorry, I didn't think about how that would workout. I don't really have a problem reading the font, but there are things we can change. We can go for a completely solid background, or (because I created the pictures, and I'm quite partial ; hard feelings tho) we can fidlle around with the size, style and color of the font and see if it's any better. I would really appreciate what people think about the matter...I'd rather not be straining people's eyes ;). I've decided not to put this entry in an lj-cut so people can get a definate feel of how it is to read the font. I'll probably change it after a few days though, it's quite long.

If I've forgotten ANYTHING please tell me. And thanks for enduring that monster of a post. XD

Much love,

display, challenge planning

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