The day was dull.
All I did was do my assignments in class, finish some make-up homework, and more or less hover around the dormitory doing nothing else.
Though the night...that's another story.
I don't really want to talk about it...
I think I'm falling deeper and I'm finding I don't really care.
I can't believe I lost tonight...
My side hurts though, commendable, the asshole got such a good hit in. And my face...I'll be surprised if no one notices...I'll just have to...keep it covered. It's good that the bruise is on the right side. least my hair covers up much of it...
...I believe I just might kill him...
It would be fun...I think. I've never actually killed anyone but him?...yes, I think I might enjoy that.
I think I'm falling deeper and I dont really care.
My dreams will be red tonight. But I don't want to take the potion we made in class today. No...I want to feel and see every moment of what my subconcious will think up for him. I think I'll enjoy it.