Miss C! Merci beaucoup, vraiment. I think I'm only just beginning to realize how much I've missed everyone now that I'm no longer distracted by my thoughts. I've missed you terribly, as well.
I've missed you little kitten more than the winter misses the sun! ♥
Oh, many things indeed have happened, most of which are not necessarily the greatest. Bad news is always first in order, so you can instantly cheered up with the good news next: Miss Alert and Sir Zaviel have been transferred to a mental facility due to certain situations and mental issues which were intefering with their work and progress here. It's quite sad, but I do believe it is for the best, so it should not be taken as horrible.
We do have many new children, too! Well, not new, but more to say, new to the blogging system. I'm going to get lazy and fat, now spending most of my time socializing online instead of just going out and bugging them face to face, hoho!
I'm sorry that... I wasn't able to say goodbye. To think they left and I didn't even...
Are Penchant and Mlenar holding up all right?
Ooh, but I've seen them. I have to say, I don't recognize a great many people. Haha, I suppose this means I have to get out of my room more often! Mm, but I hope to become acquainted with them soon.
Has anything interesting happened to you lately, Miss C?
Hello, Edge! It's so great to see you're doing all right! I know you've been real busy doing things, so I--I didn't want to interfer... But it was getting lonely without you, haha. I hope you're feeling much better than before. [5+]
And that your spirits are still up for that slumber party? [-4]
Ah, y-yes, things have happened, but as I see from above, Miss C has all ready informed you of what. [Note]
Comments 6
Has anything interesting happened in my absense?
Oh, many things indeed have happened, most of which are not necessarily the greatest. Bad news is always first in order, so you can instantly cheered up with the good news next: Miss Alert and Sir Zaviel have been transferred to a mental facility due to certain situations and mental issues which were intefering with their work and progress here. It's quite sad, but I do believe it is for the best, so it should not be taken as horrible.
We do have many new children, too! Well, not new, but more to say, new to the blogging system. I'm going to get lazy and fat, now spending most of my time socializing online instead of just going out and bugging them face to face, hoho!
Oh, I... see.
I'm sorry that... I wasn't able to say goodbye. To think they left and I didn't even...
Are Penchant and Mlenar holding up all right?
Ooh, but I've seen them. I have to say, I don't recognize a great many people. Haha, I suppose this means I have to get out of my room more often! Mm, but I hope to become acquainted with them soon.
Has anything interesting happened to you lately, Miss C?
And that your spirits are still up for that slumber party? [-4]
Ah, y-yes, things have happened, but as I see from above, Miss C has all ready informed you of what. [Note]
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