haha that's good. i'm alright, we kinda got hit pretty bad from that storm and everything around us is flooded. our house didn't get hit though. we haven't had power for five days. we got it back this morning and i could not be happier to have my internet back. have you joined PhoenixProphecy or are you staying with DM?
by the way, I went on your myspace and read your thing about Pitbulls. I dont have a pit but I totally agree with what your profile says. A good friend of mine used to work in a kennel, and after a big dogfighting bust, they got saw nearly 50 pitbulls. Despite what they wanted, they were forced to put nearly all of them to sleep. They couldnt afford to keep them all, and the law would not allow them to be put up for adpotion, because thyey were raised as "fighting dogs". Withen two weeks, Kyle had a huge black pit named Blade that would sleep in his lap. He had to leave the kennel for a while, and when he came back, they'd been forced to put Blade to sleep. The managed to keep Toby and Cleo but that was it. Toby is a huge pure white pit that they use as an alarm system (turn off all the lights, let Toby out of his cage, lock the door, go home.) It is a heartbreaking story and completly unfair. I hope you dont mind, but I copy and pasted the thing you had and messaged it to him (I gave credit to the guy who said it
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