Title: Three (unrelated) Drabbles: Odd Man Out, The New Girl, and Nostalgia
Characters/Pairing:Clyde; Rani; Sarah Jane & Maria
Rating: G
Spoilers: 2x01 & 2x02
Summary: two character vignettes and a bit of fluff
Disclaimer: Sarah Jane et al belong to the BBC etc. I just like to have them over for play dates occasionally
Odd Man Out
Since Clyde had met Luke, Sarah Jane and Maria, he had felt like the odd man out. Sure, it was always four of them, a nice even number that shouldn't have excluded anyone, but Luke was Sarah Jane's son and Maria her sidekick. He felt like just a friend that helped out, but not special. Then Maria moved to America and things changed. He missed her a lot, sure, but he kind of liked how things were now. It was his turn to shine. He was the one at Sarah Jane's side and he was loving every minute of it.
The New Girl
Being the new girl in school was never easy, even less when one was the daughter of the new head teacher, but especially when you knew that even though dad was great at home, he was quite the beast at school. It didn't help much when, during her very first class, he had burst in, yelled at everyone, and then berated one of the cute boys she had just met. She had wanted to hide under her desk, but she figured nobody knew they were related yet, and maybe she could keep it that way for just a bit longer.
Sarah Jane and Maria were shopping for swimsuits. Normally Chrissie would have taken Maria, but she was busy with something or other with Ivan, so Maria asked Sarah Jane to go.
In town, Maria picked out a cute two-piece, just small enough to be flirty, but still modest enough to not give her mum and dad heart attacks. Sarah Jane was having a bit more trouble finding something until they walked past a vintage shop and she spied a one-piece sun suit, just like one her Aunt Lavinia had once worn. She knew she had to have it.