A little place called... THE BAHAMAS.
Since you were all asking - and by "all", I mean absolutely no one - here are a few selected pictures from The Bahamas, where I spent four days a couple of weekends ago. It was for the wedding of a fraternity brother (who, consequently, was the little brother of one
This was the view out our back sliding-glass door:
Here is the waiting groom (yes, the ceremony was on the beach and yes the water was THAT blue):
Here's another fraternity brother, trying to pull off the Don Johnson, Miami Vice look. Do you think it's working for him?
From left to right, my roommate, me and Don Johnson. We really were the life of the party later that evening. Alcohol is good.
Who is that devestatingly handsome young man, in statuesque pose, contemplating the vastness of this Earth and all the beauty held within?