Oct 18, 2006 05:26
Today could be either a really crappy day or a wonderful one.
I'm hoping for somewhere in between.
Sep 23, 2006 10:08
Baby is driving me crazy so far today. It's grey and miserable out, so we can just let him go roaming on the grass.
So I went shopping for stuff we needed with him instead. Now he just ate some yummy pizza for a snack and I think he's time for a clean-up and a nap.
He'll be in better shape after that, he's been up since 5!
Sep 13, 2006 19:27
Not sure what's going on, but I've got crap in my eyes. Have had crap in my eyes now for about two days. It sucks. And hurts.
Jul 20, 2006 20:01
We have 6 new windows! Wooo!
Jun 26, 2006 21:07
Monday - a day with no school.
Gym for two hours.
Played with baby and hubby.
Read a book.
Napped with baby.
Went for an hour walk.
Played guitar and piano.
This is fantastic.
Jun 23, 2006 17:33
Oct 06, 2005 08:49
I got the child to take his first nap on his own! He went down at 8! I'm so proud of myself! I'll be waking him up around 915 or so. YES! Nap boy! And he did it all on his own!