Mar 09, 2007 21:23
When you're thinking of buying a product, what aspects do you consider? I'm looking for obvious things - cost, brand name, etc - and perhaps the less immediately obvious, such as ethical sourcing, environmental impact and so on. I may need lots of this sort of information for an interview quite soon and I'd be grateful for all your ideas!
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No, I just wanted a few general ideas of what you might consider - what you've said is fine! I have an interview at Taylor Nelson Sofres next week and have just been brainstorming.
Whether it is well made - edges sanded, or seams finished properly, doesn't contain non-food things used as a substitute for ingredients that are actually food, etc.
Whether it is ethical - unethicalness can veto something that is well made, though if something is unethically made it is usually not well made, because the nature of screwing employees over is that your employees are then hungry, tired and determined to put in as little effort as possible.
Whether it has advertising printed on it.
Unfortunately I suspect that we ethically minded, anti-advertising buyers that have replied to you are in a minority among the general populace, albeit one which I'd like to think is growing, but probably doing so slowly :) Plenty of people will buy clothes almost entirely because of the logos that appear on them, I fear.
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