About a year ago, I realized I loved a girl. See, I'm a genius. I'm super-smart. I'm very logical. Now, I can use my knowledge for a lot. Take the theory of evolution and natural selection. It doesn't work. Simple logic shoots them down, thanks to the coordination problem. If you believe the current theory, then all wonderful complexities of life are nothing but the accumulation of chance events- a bunch of genetic accidents strung together. Yet when we look closely at animals, it appears as if many elements must have evolved simultaneously. Take bats, which have echolocation - they navigate by sound. To do that, many things must evolve. Bats need a speicalized apparatus to make sounds, they need specialized ears to hear echoes, they need speicalized brains to interpret the sounds, and they need specialized bodies to dive and swoop and catch insects. If all these things don't evolve simultaneously, there's no advantage. Further to imagine all these things happen by chance is like imagining that a tornado can hit a junkyard and
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